Acknowledging EMSL and Terms of Use
Updated November 2021
Acknowledging EMSL Use
Scientists who publish results of research using EMSL resources and capabilities are required to include an acknowledgment of EMSL, following the guidance below.
Note: This guidance was updated in November 2021 to implement digital object identifiers (DOIs) for EMSL user project awards. DOIs have been minted for all past awards and will be minted at the time of award in the future. A project’s award DOI can be found on the “Details” page for your project on the NEXUS User Portal, and the link will resolve to an OSTI.GOV webpage displaying project title and abstract. You can learn more about the benefits of award DOIs on the OSTI.GOV website.
For EMSL research:
"(A portion of) This research was performed on a project award (insert project DOI(s)) from the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a DOE Office of Science User Facility sponsored by the Biological and Environmental Research program under Contract No. DE-AC05-76RL01830."
For the FICUS program:
For JGI-EMSL FICUS projects: “(A portion of) This research was performed on a project award (insert project DOI(s)) under the FICUS program and used resources at the DOE Joint Genome Institute and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, which are DOE Office of Science User Facilities. Both facilities are sponsored by the Biological and Environmental Research program and operated under Contract Nos. DE-AC02-05CH11231 (JGI) and DE-AC05-76RL01830 (EMSL).”
For ARM-EMSL FICUS projects: “(A portion of) This research was performed on a project award (insert project DOI(s)) under the FICUS program and used resources at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement facility, which are DOE Office of Science User Facilities. Both facilities are sponsored by the Biological and Environmental Research program and operated under Contract Nos. DE-AC05-76RL01830 (EMSL) and DE-FG03-00ER62913 and DE-FG03-97ER62338 (ARM).”
Guidance for referencing multiple projects:
- If you use data from 3 or fewer EMSL projects, include those project DOIs in the acknowledgement statement.
- If you use data from 4 or more projects, include those DOIs in a data availability section.
- If it is impossible (for word limits or other reasons) to include all the DOIs for projects you accessed in the data availability section, include those DOIs in the supplemental materials for your publication.
- If you use data from an EMSL project that does not yet have a DOI, request one by emailing User Services (
Example acknowledgement with three supporting user projects:
"This research was performed on project awards (10.46936/rsch.proj.2017.55555/60000021, 10.46936/rsch.proj.2018.44444/60000021, 10.46936/fics.proj.2019.33333/60000021) from the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a DOE Office of Science User Facility sponsored by the Biological and Environmental Research program."
EMSL staff as co-authors
EMSL staff often provide major contributions to research carried out by EMSL users. These contributions may include conceptualizing, planning and implementation of experiments, as well as enhancing the results by way of sample management, analysis and interpretation of data, or full collaboration on the project. If EMSL personnel contribute significantly to the project, they are expected to be credited as authors contributing to those aspects of the publication. If, by agreement with the project lead or author, EMSL staff take a lead role in the analysis, planning, writing, and editing of the manuscript, those individuals are expected to appear as first and/or senior authors of the paper.
If a PNNL or EMSL staff member is listed as a co-author, the manuscript should be sent to the staff member at least 14 days prior to submission so the staff member can send the publication through PNNL's Information Release system.
Publication Policy
As part of the Terms and Conditions for using EMSL, authors of publications are required to report all EMSL-related work, i.e., journal articles, conference presentations, books or book chapters, etc., via the User Portal. In turn, all publications resulting from work done in whole, or in part, with EMSL resources are reported to the Department of Energy (DOE).