The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) employs staff ranging from postdoctoral research associates to senior scientists in environmental, biological, and computational sciences. Additionally, internship opportunities are available throughout the year. Open positions are posted on the careers page.
Apply for open positions through Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Staff scientists positions
Apply for staff scientist positions through a leading national laboratory. EMSL is located on the PNNL campus. Positions specific to EMSL will be detailed in the job description.
Access EMSL as a Student
Apply to work with Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory scientists and gain hands-on experience in working with state-of-the-art instruments and other capabilities in the biological, environmental, and computational sciences.
(Undergraduate, Masters, PhD)
Work in a laboratory alongside experienced researchers to expand your knowledge, develop your abilities and skills, and form relationships.
- Community College Internships (CCI)
- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
- Master’s internships
- PhD internships
Enhance your research experience, grow your network, and build future career opportunities in the biological, environmental, and computational sciences.
- Post bachelor’s research associate
- Post master’s research associate
- Postdoctoral research associate
Provides supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to pursue part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE laboratory, providing access to expertise, resources, and capabilities unique to national laboratories.
Each summer, a competitively selected group of PhD and postdoctoral students is flown to EMSL to participate in hands-on workshops and presentations led by EMSL staff scientists.
Learn about the ins and outs of science instruments and capabilities at EMSL and work with leading experts in the fundamental biological, environmental, and computational sciences.
Learn about EMSL Summer School
Faculty Opportunities
Visiting faculty program
Faculty members collaborate with scientists and engineers on a project of mutual interest during 10-week appointments (spring, summer, and fall).
Learn about the visiting faculty program
DOE funding
- $15,000 stipend for 10-week period
- $2,000 housing allowance
- Limited travel reimbursement (if permanent address is at least 50 miles from PNNL)
Submit a proposal
- 150+ scientific instruments
- Specialized scientific expertise
- Computational data processing, analysis, and modeling
Open Positions
Visit the careers page at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to review open positions.
Join the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory in our pursuit of scientific discovery. Career opportunities are posted weekly as available for a variety of positions, ranging from post-bachelor research technicians to senior scientists and management.