EMSL Code of Conduct
The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL), a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all staff, users, and visitors and does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, intimidation, violence, threats of violence, retaliation, or other disruptive behavior in the workplace. EMSL is committed to providing training to assure a safe and harassment-free working environment and expects EMSL staff, users, and visitors to conduct themselves and their activities in a safe, professional, and ethical manner. Treating everyone with respect and dignity sets the right environment to support collaboration and success for all EMSL staff, users, and visitors. While EMSL staff have internal trainings that are mandatory and adhere to Battelle’s and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s code of conduct, this document outlines EMSL’s expectations for EMSL staff, users, and visitors who access EMSL resources, either on-site or online.
Specific expectations are detailed below.
Assure the safety and protection of the work environment, the external environment, others, and you.
This includes but is not limited to
Conduct work within the scope of the work plan.
Complete, in a timely manner, all necessary trainings to safely access resources and spaces.
Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when mandated. On-site users should contact their host to arrange for PPE.
Report ALL injuries, chemical spills, and unsafe work environment conditions, regardless of perceived magnitude, to your host.
Stop work immediately if you feel unsafe, and report to your host or User Program Services office staff. Seek help and ask questions when you are unsure of processes and procedures.
When on-site, comply with campus and Washington State traffic laws.
Wear at least the following minimum attire in laboratories where hazardous chemicals, machinery, electrical hazards, etc. are used:
full-length pants (or equivalent) that cover the legs
a shirt or top that covers the torso and upper arms
closed-toe shoes.
Assure the security & integrity of the work environment, the external environment, others, and you.
This includes, but is not limited to
Always wear your ID badge when on-site. Control your access card, provided to you based on your training. Do not share your card.
Do not attempt to access space/resources for which you do not have authorization.
Do not alter equipment/technology and/or safety devices/procedures.
Data access and training: The user understands that browsing through multiple users’ data files on PNNL computers connected to any instrument violates PNNL policy and will result in loss of network account privileges. This does not include EMSL and PNNL staff in the normal execution of their official duties.
Handle, store, and dispose of chemicals and hazardous materials following PNNL’s procedures. Contact your host if you are unsure.
Comply with warning signs, construction barriers, and access postings including areas posted as Controlled.
Be respectful of staff and office equipment in shared office spaces.
Do not remove equipment, supplies, or chemicals from EMSL.
Do not be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances while on campus.
Do not engage in any form of physical or verbal abuse of any person on-site, including but not limited to, harassment, stalking, bullying, or hazing of any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form.
Do not engage in conduct that is offensive, indecent, obscene, or disorderly, such as wearing clothing that has offensive images/words.
Prohibited activities on PNNL premises
being under the influence of illegal drugs (including marijuana), alcohol, and any other item prohibited by law
unauthorized soliciting, vending, and/or debt collection
posting, affixing, or distributing unauthorized material in writing or electronically
bringing animals on campus, excluding service animals for disabled persons.
For emergencies and security issues – 509-375-2400
Where complaints and unresolved issues can be lodged:
- Gert Patello, Chief Operations Officer, gert.patello@pnnl.gov.
Be familiar with and abide by:
Terms and Conditions of EMSL Use: https://www.emsl.pnnl.gov/terms-conditions
Acknowledging EMSL and Terms of Use: https://www.emsl.pnnl.gov/acknowledging-emsl-and-terms-use
Data Management Policy: https://www.emsl.pnnl.gov/data-management-policy
EMSL User Agreements: https://www.emsl.pnnl.gov/user-program/emsl-user-agreements.
Ask your EMSL User Program Services project manager or host about any patent-pending/proprietary technologies or areas that should not be photographed or recorded. Photography or videos of anything that could jeopardize unpublished research are not permitted.
Photography or videos taken secretly and without the consent of individuals in the immediate area are not permitted.
Provide a verbal announcement to fellow researchers in the room or area where you are taking photographs or recording videos so they can decide if they are comfortable being featured in these visuals.
Staff or visitor badges cannot be visible in photos or videos.
PNNL/EMSL laboratory PPE requirements must be reflected in photos and videos.
Be mindful that certain laboratories are noisy and may be difficult for recording videos.
Special permission must be obtained to use the name or identifying characteristics (e.g., logos) of Battelle, PNNL, or DOE.
Consequences of violation
- EMSL reserves the right to take actions against individuals who are found violating the code of conduct. Refusal to comply or repeat violations will be considered when determining consequences. Consequences can include suspension of site/resource access, removal from site and/or cancellation of future site access, separation of individuals, and reporting the incident to the violator’s home institutions or relevant authorities. Depending on the severity or repeat offender status, revocation of access to EMSL and participation in the EMSL User program can also be enacted.