Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) is a Department of Energy, Office of Science, user facility sponsored by the Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program. EMSL seeks to gain a predictive understanding of the molecular and atomic processes that control the continuous changes underpinning biological and ecosystem functions. This means, in support of BER's mission, we advance and integrate the process-level understanding of complex systems across wide temporal and spatial scales by coupling observations, experiments, and theory with modeling and simulation. Proposals submitted to this research call will be supported under the new Terrestrial–Atmospheric Processes Integrated Research Platform.
EMSL Contacts
- General inquiries: EMSL User Program Services, emsl@pnnl.gov, 509-371-6003
- Detailed research questions: Swarup China, swarup.china@pnnl.gov, 509-371-7329
Data resulting from projects awarded under a FICUS call are made available in accordance with each user facility’s data policies.
EMSL Data Management Policy: https://www.emsl.pnnl.gov/data-management-policy