Elizabeth Shank
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Dissecting bacterial heterogeneity using fluorescence and imaging mass spectrometry
Lead Institution
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Shank
Project type
Exploratory Research
Development and implementation of an in situ high-resolution isotopic microscope for measuring metabolic interactions in soil mesocosms
Lead Institution
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Shank
The effects of coculture on cellular spatial heterogeneity in colony and plant-associated biofilms
Lead Institution
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Shank
Project type
Exploratory Research
Development and implementation of an in situ high-resolution isotopic microscope for measuring metabolic interactions in soil mesocosms
Lead Institution
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Shank
Determining cell type distributions in Bacillus subtilis biofilm communities
Lead Institution
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Principal Investigator
Elizabeth Shank
Project type
Limited Scope
Development and implementation of an in situ high-resolution isotopic microscope for measuring metabolic interactions in soil microcosms
Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Christopher Anderton