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Hilary Chase

Northwestern University


The Organic Surfactant Pool on Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles

Lead Institution
Northwestern University
Principal Investigator
Franz Geiger
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) particles particles rank among the least understood atmospheric constituents in the climate system. Key questions concern their poorly quantified roles in cloud…

Molecular Surface Spectroscopy of Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles

Lead Institution
Northwestern University
Principal Investigator
Franz Geiger
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This proposal focuses on applying EMSL's high-resolution vibrational spectroscopy (hr-SFG) capabilities (Hongfei Wang), nano-DESI high-resolution mass spectrometry analysis techniques (Julia and…

Probing the Vibrational Coherences of Organic Atmospheric Aerosol Systems

Lead Institution
Northwestern University
Principal Investigator
Franz Geiger
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This proposal focuses on applying EMSL’s sub-1cm-1-resolution vibrational spectroscopy (hr-SFG) capabilities (Hongfei Wang), solid state NMR spectroscopy (Nancy Washton), nano-DESI high-resolution…