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John Miller

Washington State University Tri-Cities


emsl16 Protein-protein interactions in cellular signaling

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
John Miller
Project type
Capability Research
The Virtual Biology Center (VBC) is the component of the Environmental Health Initiative (EHI) focused on the development of modeling techniques for biological systems. LDRD-funded research in the…

MD Simulation of DNA Oligonucleotides Containing Base Damage (fsd4)

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
John Miller
Project type
Exploratory Research
Objectiive:This pilot project will investigate the performance of NWChem for simulating the molecular dynamics of double-strand DNA when one of the base pairs in a dodecamer (approximately one turn…

Structure and Recognition in Microbial Membranes Proteins, and DNA

Lead Institution
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
T. Straatsma
Project type
Capability Research
Developments in simulation methodologies as well as computer hardware have enabled the molecular simulation of biological systems of increasing size and with increasing accuracy, providing molecular…

NMR Structural Studies of Clustered DNA Damage

Lead Institution
Miami University
Principal Investigator
Michael Kennedy
Project type
Capability Research
The primary objective of this research is to characterize the qualitative and quantitative similarities and differences in repair characteristics between clustered damage sites formed by ionizing…