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Josie Hansen

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Determining the Metabolome and Lipidome of Amniotic Fluid Across Gestation

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Chaevien Clendinen
The existing literature suggests that the composition of AF is dynamic and changes across gestation. It is rich in proteins, lipids, oligosaccharides, RNAs, and metabolites that potentially influence…

Metabolomics analysis of carbon storing microbial communities

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ryan McClure
We have completed the development of two naturally evolved communities of soil bacteria that can produce high levels of CaCO3. As CaCO3 production is one way in which carbon storage in the soil can…

Determining the roles of sphingolipids in phagocytosis

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Jennifer Kyle
Phagocytosis is a conserved cellular process that is not only critical to ingest and eliminate invading microbial pathogens but also to clear effete cells, and cellular debris. Phagocytosis also…