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Kathleen McAteer

Washington State University Tri-Cities


NMR-based metabolomics of the enteropathogens Salmonella and Yersinia

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The goal of this research is to analyze and reconstruct intercellular and intracellular networks in Salmonella and Yersinia using multiple types of -omics data. Although we hope to gain a more…

Role of Confinement and Material Surface on Protein Dynamics and Function

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Limited Scope
Our goal is to develop a mechanistic understanding of optimal material properties that would permit the functional stabilization of broad classes of proteins with utility to a range of detection and…

Role of Confinement and Material Surface on Protein Dynamics and Function

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Limited Scope
Our goal is to develop a mechanistic understanding of optimal material properties that would permit the functional stabilization of broad classes of proteins with utility to a range of detection and…

Structural Studies of Riboswitches

Lead Institution
Miami University
Principal Investigator
Michael Kennedy
Project type
Capability Research
Riboswitches are metabolite-binding domains in certain messenger RNAs that modulate gene expression in response to changing concentrations of metabolites. Riboswitches are composed of two functional…

Dynamic Imaging of Structurally Heterogeneous Protein Complexes

Lead Institution
Western University of Health Sciences
Principal Investigator
Thomas Squier
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Our long-term goal is to identify biological design principles that will enable synthetic biology approaches for bioenergy applications. We hypothesize that the targeted engineering of selected…

NMR Structural Studies of Clustered DNA Damage

Lead Institution
Miami University
Principal Investigator
Michael Kennedy
Project type
Capability Research
The primary objective of this research is to characterize the qualitative and quantitative similarities and differences in repair characteristics between clustered damage sites formed by ionizing…

Characterization of In-Vivo 1H-NMR Biomarkers for Pulmonary Phospholipidosis

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Jian-zhi Hu
Project type
Capability Research
The primary goal of this project is to test the potential utility of slow MAS 1H-NMR methods for directly monitoring pulmonary phospholipid accumulation in live animals and in real-time. It is…

Structural Biology of the Human High Mobility Group A (HMGA) Proteins

Lead Institution
Washington State University
Principal Investigator
Raymond Reeves
Project type
Capability Research
HMGA1 proteins play a critical role in the adaptive immune response to infectious microorganisms and viruses, affecting gene regulation that stimulates resting lymphocytes into active T-cells by…

NMR Analysis of Bioprocess Samples

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Limited Scope
NMR spectroscopy will be used to identify chemical components (metabolites) present in bioprocess samples from fungal fertmentations. The data will be collected in high-throughput mode as part of a…

NMR of Bioprocess Samples

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Limited Scope
The overall project is directed towards utilization of filamentous fungi for conversion of complex biomass to industrial commodity chemicals -biofuels, organic acids or chemical feed-stocks for other…

NMR Analysis of Bioprocess Samples

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The overall project is directed towards utilization of filamentous fungi for conversion of complex biomass to industrial commodity chemicals biofuels, organic acids or chemical feed-stocks for other…

Isolation of Isotopically-Labeled Nucleic Acids

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Exploratory Research
The primary goal of this project is to develop and implement new approaches for using isotopic labels in NMR-based DNA structure determination. 13C and 15N-labeled RNA and DNA will be isolated from…

A Systems Biology Approach to Infectious Diseases Research

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Joshua Adkins
Project type
Exploratory Research
We describe an integrated program for coupling advanced capabilities in high-throughput transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics with a comprehensive informatics infrastructure and a…

Mass spectrometry analysis of nucleotides/nucleosides

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Kathleen McAteer
Project type
Exploratory Research
We wish to synthesize a number of specifically-labeled DNA oligomers that will be valuable in characterizing the structure and dynamics of damaged DNAs. In order to do this we will isolate 13C and…

A Systems Biology Approach to Infectious Diseases Research

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Joshua Adkins
Project type
Exploratory Research
We describe an integrated program for coupling advanced capabilities in high-throughput transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics with a comprehensive informatics infrastructure and a…