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Kirk Cantrell

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Demonstration of the Capability of Mobility-Controlled-Flooding Technology to Overcome Heterogeneity Induced Bypassing in Subsurface Remediation (PNNL LDRD #90001
Overcoming Heterogeneity Induced Bypassing)

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Lirong Zhong
Project type
Exploratory Research
Introduction Heterogeneity induces bypassing of low-permeability zones in subsurface fluid flooding operations for remediation purposes. The contaminant in the bypassed areas is therefore…

SEM-EDS Elemental Mapping of Weymouth Soils

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Kirk Cantrell
Project type
Exploratory Research
During operation of the former Weymouth phosphate fertilizer plant, sulfuric acid was produced to dissolve phosphate ore. The sulfuric acid was produced from Fe sulfide ore which was composed…

Determination of Iron Speciation in H2S Treated Sediment

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Kirk Cantrell
Project type
Exploratory Research
Research is being conducted to determine the effectiveness of H2S treatment of vadose zone sediments as a method to treat reducible contaminants such as chromate, in situ. We have conducted two long…

Determining Mechanism of Pu(VI) Reduction by Manganese Oxides

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Kirk Cantrell
Project type
Exploratory Research
As part of the EMSP project: Transuranic Interfacial Reaction Studies on Manganese Oxide Hydroxide Mineral Surfaces, it has been demonstrated that Pu(VI) and Pu(V) are reduced and adsorbed by…

Elemental mobility in carbon dioxide reservoir caprocks.

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Eirik Krogstad
Project type
Limited Scope
Cap rocks for CO2 reservoirs are important to understand, as they must remain patent, or nearly so, to passage or leakage of CO2 and, if they leak, not represent a dangerous source of toxic metals…