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Lai-Sheng Wang

Brown University


Cluster Model Studies of Condensed Phase Phenomena

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This proposal is a continuation of research under EMSL User Proposal #8592. This program is aimed at obtaining a microscopic understanding of solution chemistry and solvation of negatively charged…

Hydrogen Bond Networks

Lead Institution
University of Minnesota
Principal Investigator
Steven Kass
Project type
Exploratory Research
Nature employs hydrogen bonds to organize biomolecular structures and optimize the catalytic ability of enzymes. The effects of hydrogen bond networks are relatively unknown and will be explored by…

Gas Phase Reactions of Fe-S Clusters

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
You-jun Fu
Project type
Exploratory Research
FTICR mass spectrometer will be used to study the gas phase reaction of Fe-S clusters with small molecular compounds, O2, NO, CO, NH3. The results will contribute to the understanding of the O2…

An Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Study of Actinide Clusters

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Understanding the chemistry of the actinide elements, in particular uranium, is of critical importance to the mission of the U.S. Department of Energy. With the challenges to develop renewable…

Composition Studies for Unknown Gold Nanoclusters

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Limited Scope
The composition of novel atomic-precise gold clusters protected by phosphine ligand is crucial for the potential optical or catalytic applications of this new material family. The high-resolution…

Probing the Electronic Structure of Metal Clusters

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
Photoelectron spectroscopy is used to probe the electronic structure of size-selected atomic clusters produced using laser vaporization. In this proposal, we will focus on our studies on small boron…

The synthesis of Au nanoclusters

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Hai-Feng Zhang
Project type
Exploratory Research
The synthesis of the Au clusters with varieties of ligand attracted great attentions from chemist and materials scientist in decades. The discovery of the Au catalyst stimulated a great deal of…

Transition Metal Oxide Clusters - Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Wang's BES/Chemical Physics-Catalysis WBS0505 of Peden's BES-Chemical Transformations at Complex Interfaces, PNNL Scope #47319)

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
This research is aimed at obtaining a microscopic understanding of defect structures on oxide surfaces and catalytic reaction mechanisms using cluster models. Gas phase clusters provide molecular…

Syntheses of Fe-S Cluster Complexes with Peptides as Terminal Ligands

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
You-jun Fu
Project type
Exploratory Research
Fe-S clusters are active centers of Fe-S proteins acting as electron transfer and storage agents. Fe-S cluster complexes with simple terminal ligand have been studied extensively. We are going to…

Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Fe-S Clusters

Lead Institution
John Innes Centre
Principal Investigator
Chris Pickett
Project type
Exploratory Research
In this user proposal, we combine a variety of experimental and synthetic techniques to study the electronic structure of Fe-S clusters and complexes, which are important active centers in Fe-S…

Exploratory Synthesis of Novel Cluster-Based Nanomaterials

Lead Institution
University of Missouri - Rolla
Principal Investigator
Massimo Bertino
Project type
Exploratory Research
When materials are reduced in size to the nanometer scale, their physical and chemical properties undergo major changes and become size-dependent, forming the foundation of nanoscience and…

Investigation of Zwitterions in the Gas Phase

Lead Institution
University of Minnesota
Principal Investigator
Steven Kass
Project type
Exploratory Research
In this user proposal, we combine experimental studies and theoretical calculations to probe the electronic structure and electrostatic interactions in a series of zwitterions, containing a positive…

Charcaterization of the Au nano-cluster materials

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Hai-Feng Zhang
Project type
Exploratory Research
These are some attached information for the EMSL proposal No. 5401 titled "the synthesis of Au nanocluster materials". Once we obtain the nanoclusters materials, we have to use…

Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Fe-S Clusters

Lead Institution
Georgetown University
Principal Investigator
Toshiko Ichiye
Project type
Exploratory Research
In this proposal, we combine experimental studies and theoretical calculations to probe the electronic structure of Fe-S clusters and complexes, which are important active centers in Fe-S proteins as…


Lead Institution
Purdue University
Principal Investigator
Julia Laskin
The general objective of our research is to achieve a fundamental understanding of the reaction kinetics and dynamics of activating and dissociating complex molecular ions. These processes are the…

Reliable Electronic Structure Prediction of Molecular Properties

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Sotiris Xantheas
Project type
Capability Research
The field of environmental science is dominated by issues of scaling in space and time. The goal of environmental science is to understand the current state of the environment based on our knowledge…

Physical Chemistry of Heterogeneous Atmospheric Processes

Lead Institution
University of California, Irvine
Principal Investigator
Douglas Tobias
Project type
Capability Research
It is increasingly recognized that the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere is significantly influenced by the interfacial structure and properties of atmospheric particles. While the homogeneous…

Large-Scale Synthesis of Monodisperse and Ultra-Small Metal Clusters

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
A long-standing objective of cluster science is to identify and synthesize highly stable clusters, and to exploit the often unique properties of these small aggregates, either as stand-alone units,…

Investigation of electronic structure of Fe-S clusters (emslcsd6)

Lead Institution
Texas A&M University
Principal Investigator
Shuqiang Niu
Project type
Capability Research
We propose to use EMSL software and hardware (Molecular Science Computation Facility) to perform theoretical calculations of the electronic structures of Fe-S clusters.Fe-S proteins are ubiquitous in…

The syntrhesis and charaacterization of one-dimensional nanostructures

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Hai-Feng Zhang
Project type
Exploratory Research
We have synthesized and characterized several one-dimensional novel nanostrucutures at the collaboration with PNNL staffs(Chongming Wang,Jim Young..)by using CVD technique, and these results were…

Course in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Donald Baer
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This activity involves use of selected EMSL capabilities as one component in a course on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The course is to be held in EMSL where 50% of the time is devoted to lectures…

(gc3565)Reliable Electronic Structure Prediction of Molecular Properties

Lead Institution
University of Alabama
Principal Investigator
David Dixon
Project type
Capability Research
The area of environmental chemical science is dominated by issues of scaling in space and time. The goal of environmental science is to understand the current state of the environment based on our…

From Gas Phase Clusters to Nanomaterials

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This proposal is a continuation of research under EMSL User Proposal #3226a. Gas phase clusters remain to be an attractive and exciting field of study for several reasons. First of all, clusters…

The characterization of the SiC/SiO2/C composite

Lead Institution
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Principal Investigator
Hai-Feng Zhang
Project type
Exploratory Research
We have developed an approach to synthesize the nano-crysatlline composite materials of SiC/SiO2/C, TGA and FTIR are very efficient tools for determining the ratio of the componens in the composite…

Synthesis of Nanostructured Materials and Cluster-Assembled Materials

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This proposal is a continuation of research under EMSL User Proposal #21790. This program is focused on exploratory syntheses of anionic metal clusters based on our gas-phase studies. A long…