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Nicholas Ward

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Soil Function Across Variably Inundated Environments - Tidal Systems

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Peter Regier
Project type
We aim to generate knowledge, data, and models that are transferable across Earth’s variably inundated ecosystems. We are focused on the integrated hydro-biogeochemistry of soils in these diverse…

Impact of Salinity on DOM Release from Soils Following Seawater Inundation

Lead Institution
Argonne National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Edward O'Loughlin
Project type
Exploratory Research
A recent large-scale field manipulation experiment exposed large coastal forest plots to extreme flooding by estuarine water and fresh water. Elevated dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations…

Metabolic Responses of Eelgrass to Environmental Stressors

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Nicholas Ward
Seagrass is recognized as a critical habitat for a variety of ecosystem services such as fisheries, pollutant detoxification, and sequestration of “blue” carbon. EPA and WA Dept of Ecology have made…