Nigel Browning
University of Liverpool
An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Solidification and Microstructural Evolution in Magnesium Alloys using in situ Techniques
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Aashish Rohatgi
In situ characterization of soil organic carbon-mineral interactions for carbon cycle research
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
James De Yoreo
In Situ and Ex Situ Studies of Energy Storage Materials
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Karl Mueller
Project type
Exploratory Research
Dynamics of Supported Noble metal Nanoparticles in the Presence of Oxidizing Environment: Application of Compressive Sensing in ETEM
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Libor Kovarik
Atomic level probing of structure and property relationship of energy storage materials
Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Chongmin Wang
Rational Design of Solid-Electrolyte Interfaces for Biofuel Production and Energy Storage
Lead Institution
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Principal Investigator
Josep Poblet
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Liquid and environmental TEM as transformative capabilities in carbon cycle research
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
James De Yoreo
Project type
Special Science
An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Solidification and Microstructural Evolution in Magnesium Alloys using in situ Techniques
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Aashish Rohatgi
Advanced High Resolution and Dynamic in-situ TEM/STEM Observations of Materials Processes
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Collaborative Access Team: the Pooled Resources for Electron Microscopy Informatics, Education and Research (PREMIER) Network
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Project type
Exploratory Research
An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Solidification and Microstructural Evolution in Magnesium Alloys using in situ Techniques
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Aashish Rohatgi
JCESR - In Situ and Ex Situ Studies of Energy Storage Materials
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Multiscale and multimodality in-situ probing of structural and chemical evolution of energy storage materials
Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Chongmin Wang
Advancing Heterogeneous Catalysis of Routes for the Conversion of Complex Biogenic Feedstocks in Aqueous and Apolar Solvents
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Donald Camaioni
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Advanced High Resolution and Dynamic in-situ TEM/STEM Observations of Materials Processes
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Atomistic View of Evolution and Reactivity of Polysulfide Redox Species in Li-S Batteries
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Karl Mueller
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
EMSL/FCSD Scientific Partner Proposal on the Dynamics of Biological and Catalytic Systems
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Project type
Scientific Partner
PREMIER CAT - In situ observation of nucleation and growth of ferrihydrite from the iron Keggin ion cluster
Lead Institution
Oregon State University
Principal Investigator
May Nyman
Probing into the similarities of grain boundary atomic structures across various materials systems
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Project type
Limited Scope
Dynamics of Supported Noble metal Nanoparticles in the Presence of Oxidizing Environment: Application of Compressive Sensing in ETEM
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Libor Kovarik
Direct atomic level structural analysis of metallic and bimetallic catalytic clusters and their interaction with catalytic support under in-situ and ex-situ conditions
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Libor Kovarik
Collaborative Access Team: the Pooled Resources for Electron Microscopy Informatics, Education and Research (PREMIER) Network
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Project type
Exploratory Research
Probing Structure-Property Relationship of Energy Storage Materials Using Ex Situ and In Situ Dynamic Microscopy and Spectroscopy with High Spatial and Fast Temporal Resolution
Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Chongmin Wang
An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Solidification and Microstructural Evolution in Magnesium Alloys using in situ Techniques
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Aashish Rohatgi
In Situ and Ex Situ Studies of Energy Storage Materials
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Karl Mueller
Project type
Exploratory Research
Investigating Electrochemical Processes in Next Generation Multivalent Battery Technologies
Lead Institution
University of Liverpool
Principal Investigator
Nigel Browning
Project type
Exploratory Research