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Ram Devanathan

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Rational Design of Ceramic Interfaces for Environmental Technologies

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The aim of this research proposal is to advance the fundamental science needed to safely immobilize nuclear waste in durable ceramic matrices. Crystalline ceramics, including polyphase materials,…

Absorption and Emission of Radiation in Materials

Lead Institution
University of Arizona
Principal Investigator
L. Corrales
Project type
Capability Research
Absorption of irradiation by a material can, for example, lead to changes of atomic and molecular configurations, and induce charged states in the form of defects or molecular rearrangements. Such…

Probing the Mesoscale Structure at Complex Electrode-Electrolyte Interfaces

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Vijayakumar Murugesan
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Molecular interactions at electrode-electrolyte interface are pivotal to the modern energy storage/conversion and microelectronic devices. However, our predictive understanding about the impact of…

Nuclear Processing
Science Initiative

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Sue Clark
The Nuclear Process Science Initiative (NPSI) is an internal, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program investment in support of the nuclear science and technology research…

Computer Simulation of Defects and Interfaces in Nuclear Fuel Materials

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Exploratory Research
The objective of this proposal is to simulate the synergistic effects of radiation damage, elevated temperature and stress on microstructural evolution and fission gas bubble evolution in nuclear…

Defects, Defect Processes and Ion-Solid Interactions in Ceramics

Lead Institution
University of Tennessee
Principal Investigator
William Weber
Project type
Capability Research
This research will develop a fundamental understanding of the defects, complex dynamic defect processes, and ion-solid interactions in SiC, GaN, ZrSiO4, Gd2TiO7, SrTiO3, and other crystalline…

Modeling charge transport and interfacial chemistry at the nanoscale

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Understanding charge transfer, charge transport and molecular transport in nanomaterials and interfaces in solids (such as grain boundaries, interfaces in multilayer materials, and hydrophilic…

Evolution of Defects and Interfaces in Ceramics under Irradiation

Lead Institution
University of Tennessee
Principal Investigator
William Weber
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The proposed work is to develop atomic-level understanding of the production and evolution of defects and interfaces in ceramics under ion and electron irradiation. Research will also focus on the…

Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Zircon

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Capability Research
Zircon is an extremely durable mineral proposed as a crystalline host for the disposal of high actinide waste forms. In order to minimize the release of actinides to the environment, it is essential…

Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Zircon

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Exploratory Research
Zircon is an extremely durable mineral proposed as a crystalline host for the disposal of high actinide waste forms. In order to minimize the release of actinides to the environment, it is essential…

Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Zircon

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Exploratory Research
Zircon is an extremely durable mineral proposed as a crystalline host for the disposal of high actinide waste forms. In order to minimize the release of actinides to the environment, it is essential…

Charge Transfer, Transport, and Reactivity in Complex Molecular Environments

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Proton transport in polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs) for fuel cells is of fundamental scientific interest and holds practical importance, because of the efficient conversion of fuel chemical…

Multiscale Modeling of Radiation Effects in Novel Nuclear Waste Forms

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The safe immobilization of high-level nuclear waste is one of the major challenges facing humanity today. This multi-scale computational effort aims to obtain a fundamental understanding of…

Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Defect Chemistry of LaFeO3 (010) Surfaces

Lead Institution
University of Florida
Principal Investigator
Susan Sinnott
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
LaFeO3 is the base material of La(1-x)SrxCoyFe(1-y)O3, which is a potential candidate for solid oxide fuel cell cathode. The proposed work aims to investigate the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on…

Proton Transport in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Capability Research
This multi-disciplinary theory program aims to develop, implement and apply new theoretical and computational methods to advance our understanding of proton transport in polymer membranes. The…

Development of Self-Healing Materials through Rational Design of Interfaces

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ram Devanathan
Project type
Exploratory Research
This research proposal aims to integrate experimental and modeling efforts to advance the fundamental science of interfaces, such as nanoparticle surfaces, to understand the process of self-healing…

Volumetric Density of Alpha-recoil Tracks in Uranium Oxide by TEM

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Theva Thevuthasan
Considerable effort has been and is being expended to explore various avenues related to nuclear forensics, whether they are for environmental signatures, remediation, or proliferation detection and…