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Song Feng

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


AlphaEnzyme: predicting enzyme functions directly from AlphaFold encoding

Lead Institution
Kent State University
Principal Investigator
Qiang Guan
Project type
Exploratory Research
Predicting the function of enzyme (represented as an enzyme commission number, or EC number) is one of the central tasks in annotating genomes and metagenomes. It is crucial for understanding the…

Inferring Kinetic Models for Large-Scale Biochemical Networks

Lead Institution
University of Washington
Principal Investigator
Herbert Sauro
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Mechanistic models of cell networks that accurately predict changes in input-output dynamics and outcomes upon perturbation have the potential to facilitate a greater understanding of the…

Structural profiling of the molecular interactome to define phenotype

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
John Melchior
The functional pathways that define phenotype are reflected by protein quinary structure; the transient encounters of proteins with other proteins, molecules, cofactors, and nucleic acids that…