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Sue Clark

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


TRLIF Studies of Eu(III) Sorption to Quartz and Uranophane

Lead Institution
Washington State University
Principal Investigator
Aurora Clark
Project type
Limited Scope
To complement and provide much needed experimental benchmarks to ongoing computational studies at the EMSL supercomputing facility, we propose to use four weeks of time at the facilities at EMSL to…

TRLIF Studies of Eu(III) Sorption to Quartz and Uranophane

Lead Institution
Washington State University
Principal Investigator
Aurora Clark
Project type
Exploratory Research
To complement and provide much needed experimental benchmarks to ongoing computational studies at the EMSL supercomputing facility, we propose to use four weeks of time at the facilities at EMSL to…

CAT - Nuclear Processing Science Initiative

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Sue Clark
The Nuclear Process Science Initiative (NPSI) is an internal, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program investment in support of the nuclear science and technology research…

Nuclear Processing
Science Initiative

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Sue Clark
The Nuclear Process Science Initiative (NPSI) is an internal, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) program investment in support of the nuclear science and technology research…