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Swarup China

Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory


Development of an automated volatile organic compounds sampling system

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Swarup China
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs, released from plants, soil and leaf litter) are important precursors of ozone and secondary organic aerosols. Gaps in observations of vertically-resolved, chemically…

Deep learning approaches to probe bioaerosols in the atmosphere

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Swarup China
Bioaerosols play a key role in cold cloud formation and impacts ice phase precipitation in the atmosphere and ecosystem via deposition of essential micronutrients. EMSL’s micro-spectroscopy…

Using metabalomics to understand the fate of pollen in the atmosphere

Lead Institution
University of Michigan
Principal Investigator
Allison Steiner
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The release of pollen from vegetation represents a major seasonal, pulsed source of organic matter to the atmosphere of great biological and societal importance. While pollen grains themselves are…

COVID-19: Characterization of Respiratory Droplets

Lead Institution
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Principal Investigator
Linsey Marr
Project type
Limited Scope
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of understanding how well viruses survive in the air. SARS-CoV-2 and other airborne pathogens are carried in respiratory droplets consisting of a…

Chemical Imaging and Molecular Characterization of Primary Biological Particles.

Lead Institution
University of California, Irvine
Principal Investigator
Alex Guenther
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The objective of the proposed project is to conduct in-depth studies of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles (PBAP) for predictive understanding of their environmental impact. The ultimate goal is to…

Atmospheric Soil Organic Particles

Lead Institution
Purdue University
Principal Investigator
Alexander Laskin
Recent discovery of atmospheric soil organic particles (ASOP), emitted through previously unrecognized atmosphere-land-surface interactions, suggests that ASOP may have a widespread impact over a…

Investigating Aerosol Aging Processes in the Eastern North Atlantic

Lead Institution
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research
Principal Investigator
Birgit Wehner
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Aerosols, cloud, and radiation interactions regulate several key aspects of the Earth's hydrogeological cycle, weather, and climate system. The number concentration of cloud condensation nuclei …

Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Mechanisms and Growth Dynamics

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Rahul Zaveri
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Recent theoretical and laboratory studies have revealed that the timescales of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) partitioning and the associated aerosol size distribution growth dynamics depend on the…

GOAmazon: Atmospheric Aerosol Phase, Composition, and Water Vapor Uptake

Lead Institution
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Mary Gilles
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Atmopsheric particle phase, viscosity, and mixing state are inherently intertwined with one another. How particles change and evolve, particularly as a function of relative humidity is crucial for…

Atmospheric Soil Organic Particles

Lead Institution
Purdue University
Principal Investigator
Alexander Laskin
Recent discovery of atmospheric soil organic particles (ASOP), emitted through previously unrecognized atmosphere-land-surface interactions, suggests that ASOP may have a widespread impact over a…

1000 Soils Research Campaign

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Nancy Hess
Project type
To more fully understand the cycling of carbon, carbon-based nutrients and key elements from the molecular to basin scale across variations in soil chemistry, the Environmental Molecular Sciences…

Ice Nucleation Propensity of Biological Particles

Lead Institution
Xiamen University
Principal Investigator
Bingbing Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The proposed study will investigate the ice nucleation propensity of atmospheric biological particles using a novel experimental platform developed in EMSL by our group. We will determine…