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Erin Nuccio
UEC Chair

Erin Nuccio is a soil microbial ecologist and staff scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LBNL). She recently received a DOE Early Career award to study how tripartite plant-microbe-soil interactions impact terrestrial nutrient cycling and ecosystem sustainability. She co-leads the plant-microbial interactions thrust of LLNL’s Biofuels Scientific Focus Area, which studies microbial symbioses associated with bioenergy plants. She is also the PI of a LLNL LDRD project studying how deep root systems and their microbial communities contribute to subsoil carbon sequestration at the national level. She is the PI for an EMSL-JGI FICUS research project and has collaborated on multiple EMSL projects and the EMSL proposal review panel. She is particularly interested in making isotope-enabled techniques higher throughput and accessible to the scientific community. Her term ends in 2024.