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Stability of Ceria and Other NanoParticles

EMSL Project ID


This project examines the stability of Ceria, Titania and other nanoparticles. The particles to be examined will be prepared at the University of Central Florida and those obtained commercially. Their properties will be compared to films grown at PNNL by spin coating and by MBE. One focus of the research is the stability (including effects of ion sputtering) and structure of particles at different sizes. Environmental effects and history will be examined.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Donald Baer
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Team Members

Satyanarayana Kuchibhatla
Battelle India

Sudipta Seal
University of Central Florida

Related Publications

Baer D.R. 2018. "The Chameleon Effect: characterization challenges due to the variability of nanoparticles and their surfaces." Frontiers in Chemistry 6. PNNL-SA-131780. doi:10.3389/fchem.2018.00145
Baer DR, MH Engelhard, GE Johnson, J Laskin, J Lai, KT Mueller, P Munusamy, S Thevuthasan, H Wang, NM Washton, AC Elder, BL Baisch, AS Karakoti, SVNT Kuchibhatla, and DW Moon. 2013. "Surface Characterization of Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles: important needs and challenging opportunities." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 31(5):Article No. 050820. doi:10.1116/1.4818423.
Bera D, SVNT Kuchibhatla, S Azad, LV Saraf, CM Wang, V Shutthanandan, P Nachimuthu, DE Mccready, MH Engelhard, OA Marina, DR Baer, S Seal, and S Thevuthasan. 2008. "Growth and characterization of highly oriented gadolinia-doped ceria (111) thin films on zirconia (111)/sapphire (0001) substrates." Thin Solid Films 516(18):6088-6094. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2007.11.007
Kuchibhatla S.V., A.S. Karakoti, A.E. Vasdekis, C.F. Windisch, S. Seal, S. Thevuthasan, and D.R. Baer. 2019. "An unexpected phase transformation of ceria nanoparticles in aqueous media." Journal of Materials Research 34, no. 3:465-473. PNNL-SA-137435. doi:10.1557/jmr.2018.490
Szymanski CJ, P Munusamy, C Mihai, Y Xie, MK Gilles, T Tyliszczak, S Thevuthasan, DR Baer, and G Orr. 2015. "Shifts in oxidation states of cerium oxide nanoparticles detected inside intact hydrated cells and organelles ." Biomaterials 62:, doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.05.042