Investigation of crystalline to amorphous phase of cellulose by using Slow Magic Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy
EMSL Project ID
A fundamental understanding of structural and functional relationship of hydrated cellulose is very important for the design of new catalysts and processes for rapid and selective hydrolysis of cellulose. Slow-MAS NMR techniques developed at PNNL are uniquely qualified to provide insights about the detailed molecular interaction involved in the crystalline and amorphous state of cellulose. This research will seek to obtain accurately the chemical shift anisotropy tensors of all the chemically nonequivalent carbons in both crystalline and amorphous cellulose; obtain characterization of the solvent induced sol-gel phase transitions; and obtain characterization of isotropic solution and neumatic liquid crystalline solution. It is anticipated that the data obtained will be augmented by Quantum Chemistry Calculation in which a model involving hydrogen bond between solvent and polymer will be proposed for explaining the experimental results.
Project Details
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Capability Research
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