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Mechanisms of sulfur poisoning of NOx adsorber materials (Chuck's Cummins CRADA work Scope 43315)

EMSL Project ID


The objective of this project is to aid the identification of a clear pathway to robust NOx after-treatment solutions for light-duty diesel engines. The project consistsof three phases. First, the efforts will focus on understanding and characterizing the NOx storage, release and conversion of existing NOx adsorber materials. Next, the impact of sulfur on these three steps will be characterized, with special attention given to methods of regenerating the catalyst in the presence of sulfur and the effects of these regeneration treatments on long-term catalyst durability. Model catalysts and fully formulated catalysts will be both studied in these first two phases. With this developing understanding, optimized NOx absorber materials will be formulated by the catalyst supplier and evaluated, with the final step to include a model of the optimized catalyst that will be applicable over a wide range of operating conditions. The goal of this project is identify and understand the base technologies for diesel after-treatment systems that will meet the key emission standards for NOx. For additional information, contact Chuck Peden, project manager. Assumptions - The DOE client (Office of FreedomCar and Vehicle Technologies) expects us to direct basic research to understand sulfur poisoning and thermal deactivation phenomena in the NOx adsorber technology for diesel emission control. Specific experiments are determined by consultation with industry partners to whom prior results are disseminated to on a regular (at least monthly) basis. In addition, knowledge is disseminated through publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations of results at scientific meetings.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Charles Peden
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Mark Engelhard
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Related Publications

178) Kim, D.H.; Kwak, J.H.; Wang, X.; Szanyi, J.; Peden, C.H.F. "The Roles of Pt and BaO in the Sulfation of Pt/BaO/Al2O3 Lean NOx Trap Materials: Sulfur K-Edge XANES and Pt LIII XAFS Studies." J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 2981-2987.
Epling WS, I Nova, and CHF Peden. 2008. "Preface." Catalysis Today 136(1-2):1-2. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2008.03.008
Kim, D.H.; Chin, Y.-H.; Muntean, G.G.; Yezeretz, A.; Currier, N.C.; Epling, W.S.; Chen, H.-Y.; Hess, H.; Peden, C.H.F. "Design of a reaction protocol for de-coupling desulfation and thermal aging effects during regeneration of Pt-BaO/Al2O3 lean NOx trap catalysts." Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (2007) 2735-2740.
Kim, D.H.; Kwak, J.H.; Szanyi, J.; Wang, X.; Li, G.; Hanson, J.C.; Peden, C.H.F. "Characteristics of Desulfation Behavior for Presulfated Pt-BaO/CeO2 Lean NOx Trap Catalysts: The Role of the CeO2 Support." J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (2009) 21123-21129.
Kim, D.H.; Kwak, J.H.; Szanyi, J.; Wang, X.; Peden, C.H.F. "Promotional effects of CO2 on Desulfation Processes for Pre-Sulfated Pt-BaO/Al2O3 Lean NOx Trap Catalysts." Topics in Catal. 52 (2009) 1719-1722.
Kim, D.H.; Szanyi, J.; Kwak, J.H.; Wang, X.; Hanson, J.C.; Engelhard, M.; Peden, C.H.F. "Effects of Sulfation Level on the Desulfation Behavior of Pre-Sulfated Pt-BaO/Al2O3 Lean NOx Trap Catalysts: A Combined H2 TPRX, In-Situ Sulfur K-Edge XANES, XPS and TR-XRD Study." J. Phys. Chem. C 113 (2009) 7336-7341.