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Development of High Throughput Proteomic Production Operations (PNNL Scope # 40601, Dick Smith's OBER Proteomics)

EMSL Project ID


This project is developing the capability for high throughput and quantitative measurements of microbial proteomes along with the informatics capabilities necessary to support such applications. Some efforts currently in progress aim to: significantly increase overall data quality of global proteome measurements and provide data that are quantitative and have statistically sound measures of quality; increase overall data production by more than an order of magnitude; provide informatics tools and infrastructure required to support improved data quality and increased throughput and to efficiently manage, use and disseminate large quantities of data generated by GtL "users"; develop foundation for further extension of proteomics measurements to enable more comprehensive coverage of protein modifications. ASSUMPTIONS: The DOE client (OBER) expects us to conduct fundamental research to further our knowledge in areas of importance to DOEs mission, and to disseminate this knowledge through publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations of research at scientific meetings

Project Details

Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Nancy Colton
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Yehia Ibrahim
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Erin Baker
North Carolina State University

Errol Robinson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Richard Smith
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Anil Shukla
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Related Publications

Baker ES, EA Livesay, DJ Orton, RJ Moore, WF Danielson, DC Prior, YM Ibrahim, BL Lamarche, AM Mayampurath, AA Schepmoes, DF Hopkins, K Tang, RD Smith, and ME Belov. 2010. "An LC-IMS-MS Platform Providing Increased Proteome Coverage for High-Throughput Studies." Journal of Proteome Research 9(2):997-1006. doi:10.1021/pr900888b
Poster presentation at the 57th conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry held at Philadelphia PA