Defects and Defect Processes in Ceramics
EMSL Project ID
The proposed work is to develop fundamental understanding of defects, defect processes and interfaces in ceramics at the atomic level. In addition, the work will focus on the role of interfaces on dynamic phase transitions and on electronic, ionic, defect and gas transport properties in materials relevant to environmental, energy and national security missions. The work will focus on surface/interface properties; include radiation effects, defect-interface interactions and transport, the role of hydrogen and surface structure on electronic and ionic transport. This work is relevant to nuclear waste immobilization, the hydrogen economy, fuel cell technology, materials for a closed nuclear fuel cycle, materials for advanced nuclear power technology, and advanced radiation detector technology. The proposal will employ multiple experimental facilities and techniques in EMSL, and this proposed experimental work is closely integrated with a multidisciplinary team using EMSL computational capabilities in complementary studies (EMSL 8208).The defect processes of primary interest are defect production and formation, defect migration, defect interactions, and defect mechanisms related to the kinetics of irradiation effects, ion implantation, ionic transport, and phase transformations in ceramics. The research approach and management philosophy are based on a team of highly-motivated experimental at PNNL and external collaborators who perform highly-integrated studies with computational scientists on defects and defect processes in related materials.
Project Details
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
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