Large-Scale Synthesis of Monodisperse and Ultra-Small Metal Clusters
EMSL Project ID
A long-standing objective of cluster science is to identify and synthesize highly stable clusters, and to exploit the often unique properties of these small aggregates, either as stand-alone units, or as building blocks for cluster-assembled materials. For example, the clusters Au20 and Sn12 were recently produced in the gas phase by our group. These clusters are highly stable, and they possess extremely interesting properties. Au20 has an intriguing tetrahedral structure, and, perhaps more importantly, it is a semiconductor with a band gap around 1.77 eV. Sn12 has a cage-like structure, and magnetic transition metal atoms can be incorporated in the center of the Sn12 cage. These M@Sn12 clusters may therefore represent the building blocks for the fabrication of novel alloys with tunable magnetic properties. Here, we propose to continue our work on ultra-small Au clusters, and we present a strategy to synthesize Au20. The proposed research fits well within EMSL's research program and EMSL's mission. The proposed synthesis of atomically controlled metal clusters has important repercussions in catalysis (e.g., nanogold), but also for sensing applications (M@Sn12 can be envisaged as nano-magnets with a highly reactive surface).
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Exploratory Research
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