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Irradiation Induced Nanostructures

EMSL Project ID


The ion beam technique has been proven to be a very effective tool for the fabrication of nanostructures of various kinds. The two general types of these nanostructures are those consist of significant amount of implanted ion species and those mainly induced by the radiation effects but do not consist much implanted species. Our research group at the University of Michigan has extensively investigated the two processes for the nanostructure formation with the ion beam technology. In this proposed research, we extend our research to focus on the self-organization of nanostructures under ion beam irradiation, and compare the stability of nanocrystals processed by ion beam implantation to those formed in natural minerals by the environmental processes. The former project is supported by DOE Basic Energy Sciences (BES) and the latter is supported by NSF Nanoscience Interdisciplinary Research Team (NIRT) Program. Although the University of Michigan has an ion beam laboratory, the limitation on ion energy, ion species, as well as the capability in ion beam analysis hindered the progress of our research. We seek access to EMSL Ion Beam Laboratory and the large scale computing facilities in collaboration with EMSL experts to make significant advances in these research areas.
The research in this proposal include three subtasks: (1) three dimensional spatial patterning of nanoscale void lattice in irradiated materials; (2) controlling the aspect ratio of irradiation induced semiconductor nanofibers; and (3) study the formation mechanism and stability of gold nanoparticles in pyrite and arsenic pyrite as observed in natural minerals. The experimental data will be modeled and simulated by computer simulation with. The results from this research will have a great impact in understating the self-organization mechanisms for the nanostructures under irradiation and for controlling the stability of nanostructures in the environment. The nanostructures processed by the ion beam technique may have important applications as photonic devices and environmental sensors. The proposed research will cover a ree years of period. The activities at EMSL include the use of ion beam accelerator (up to 120 hours per year) for ion irradiation, implantation and analyses in collaboration with EMSL staff scientists (Dr. Yanwen Zhang and Dr. Fei Gao). We will send a graduate student (Xia Xiang) and a post-doc (Dr. Haiyan Xiao) to spend a few months in EMSL each year, and they will also collaborate with EMSL scientists in the ion beam laboratory and on computer simulation & modeling of the data obtained in the laboratory. The results of the experiments and computer simulation/modeling will be published in high impact scientist journals.

Project Details

Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Lumin Wang
University of Michigan

Team Members

Haiyan Xiao
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Xia Xiang
University of Michigan

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