Advanced Diagnostic Studies of Lithium Ion Batteries Using In Situ and Ex Situ NMR Spectroscopies
EMSL Project ID
Energy shortage is a critical problem in the 21th century. Developing highly efficient and high capacity energy storage device such as lithium iron battery is of considerable interest to the nation. In order to develop next generation of high performance lithium ion battery, a fundamental understanding of the detailed chemical environments and the ion transport mechanisms both inside the electrode and at the interface of electrode-electrolytes is required. This proposed project aims to establish correlations between electrode materials, interfacial phenomena, and cell performance. We propose to apply Pacific Northwest National Laboratorys (PNNL) unique capabilities in high field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), including low magnetic fields, to study the formation and evolution of the solid-electrolyte interface (SEI) layer on existing and emerging nanocomposite lithium battery electrodes and the ion transport mechanisms, thereby providing a complement to ongoing diagnostic studies using synchrotron techniques, vibrational spectroscopies, electron microscopy, and magnetic resonance. This project has been funded by PNNL intramural LDRD program started from 10/01/2007 for a period of three years.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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