Microscopy Investigation on Nanostructured Electrodes
EMSL Project ID
The objective of this proposal is to use EMSLs advanced electron microscopy facility to characterize the compositions and properties of the nanostructured electrode and nanostructured materials and correlate the structure-property relationships. The high resolution SEM and TEM study is a critical component of a laboratory wide initiative (the Transformational Materials Initiative) and a DARPA funded Battery Projects. The initiative is the largest internal investments at PNNL aimed to establish transformational scientific capabilities to address long term DOE challenges in energy and environment. The DARPA project is the largest externally funded project aimed to establish novel electrochemical energy storage system with high energy density and high power density, which match long term DOE challenges. These initiative/project cannot succeed without the high resolution SEM and TEM facilities which will provide critical information to guide materials development activities and help understand the fundamental structure and electrochemical property relationships.
Project Details
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Start Date
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Related Publications
Manuscript to be submitted to ACS Nano
Manuscript to be submitted to Science
Pan A, Y Wang, W Xu, Z Nie, S Liang, Z Nie, CM Wang, G Cao, and J Zhang. 2014. "High-performance anode based on porous Co3O4 nanodiscs." Journal of Power Sources 225:125-129.
The manuscript to be submitted to Electrochemistry Communications
Vapor Induced Solid-Liquid-Solid Process for Silicon-Based Nanowire Growth, Ji-Guang Zhang, Jun Liu, Donghai Wang, Daiwon Choi, Leonard S. Fifield, Chongmin Wang, Gordon Xia, Zimin Nie, Zhenguo Yang, Larry R Pederson, and Gordon Graff, Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 1691?1697.
Wang D, D Choi, J Li, Z Yang, Z Nie, R Kou, D Hu, CM Wang, LV Saraf, J Zhang, IA Aksay, and J Liu. 2009. "Self-assembled TiO2-Graphene Hybrid Nanostructures for Enhanced Li-ion Insertion ." ACS Nano 3(4):907-914.
Zhang J, J Liu, D Wang, D Choi, LS Fifield, CM Wang, G Xia, Z Nie, Z Yang, LR Pederson, and GL Graff. 2010. "Vapor-Induced Solid-Liquid-Solid Process for Silicon-based Nanowire Growth." Journal of Power Sources 195(6 SP ISS):1691-1697.