Characterization and method development for back-end of the line wafer processing concepts
EMSL Project ID
Advanced concepts in back end of the line (BEOL) wafer processing are necessary to push semiconductor technology beyond the 90-nm node. Characterization of chips in this regime and for these concepts is an unsolved problem. We propose to develop and apply advanced charaterization methods in support of advanced semiconductor processing concepts.
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Exploratory Research
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Foraita S, JL Fulton, ZA Chase, A Vjunov, P Xu, E Baráth, DM Camaioni, C Zhao, and JA Lercher. 2014. "Impact of the Oxygen Defects and the Hydrogen Concentration on the Surface of Tetragonal and Monoclinic ZrO2 on the Reduction Rates of Stearic Acid on Ni/ZrO2." Chemistry – A European Journal. doi:10.1002/chem.201405312