Rhodobacter sphaerodies
EMSL Project ID
Rhodobacter sphaerodies 2.4.1. is a-3 purple nonsulfur eubacterium with an extensive metabolic repertoire. Under anaerobic conditions, it is able to grow by photosynthesis, respiration and fermentation. Characterizing the proteome of R. sphaerodies cultured under specific growth conditions will flag the proteins involved in each of the different metabolic pathways. The generation of a PMT database from Tryptic digestions of global lysates, cytoplasmic fractions, and membrane preparations of R. sphaerodies grown under specific conditions will be the focus of the FY03 effort. The results from FY03 are expected to provide the foundation for more focused experiments in FY04 associated with the Rhodobacter sphaerodies Microbial Cell Project directed by Dr. T. Donahue. The analysis of Tryptic digests of proteins from Rhodobacter sphaerodies cultures will be accomplished by LC-IT tandem MS and the AMT database will be developed using LC-FTICR.
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Exploratory Research
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Related Publications
Application of the Accurate Mass and Time Tag Approach to the Proteome Analysis of Sub-cellular Fractions Obtained from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1. Aerobic and Photosynthetic Cell Cultures
Comparison of aerobic and photosynthetic Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 proteomes
Jaffe JE, TC Kaspar, T Droubay, and T Varga. 2013. "Band offsets for mismatched interfaces: The special case of ZnO on CdTe (001)." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 31(6):061102. doi:10.1116/1.4816951
Jaffe JE, TC Kaspar, T Droubay, T Varga, ME Bowden, and GJ Exarhos. 2010. "Electronic and defect structure of CuSCN." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(19):9111-9117. doi:10.1021/jp101586q