The Reaction Specificity of Nanoparticles in Solution: Interactions between Iron Nanoparticles, their Coatings, and the Environment
EMSL Project ID
The objective of our research is to obtain fundamental information about the physical and chemical transformations that occur on and within mineral oxide nanoparticulates due to electron transfer reactions and other interactions with their local environment (including solution contaminants such as CCl4). The nature of the reactive surfaces, the accessibility of reactive sites, and the structures of the surface and interface layers (or whole nanoparticles) often change significantly as particles respond to and react with their local environment (e.g. surface structure alterations, phase changes, passive layer formation). Although geochemically induced changes occur for bulk materials, the nature and rate for the changes can be more dramatic for nano-sized mineral phases. This project focuses on obtaining information about these geochemically mediated transformations and how they alter particle reactivity, electron availability and particle mobility. Natural particles and specially grown model particles are used to study particle transformations, interfacial reaction products and particulate reactivity. The particles examined (and to be examined) include different sizes of iron (Fe(0)) nanoparticles, magnetite particles, and iron (hydr)oxide particles that can coat the Fe(0) surface. Electron transfer initiated transformations have been studied using carbon tetrachloride, a probe molecule of surface reactivity that is not incorporated into the surface structure.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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