NOx Adsorber Materials: Fundamental Studies, and Investigations of Sulfur Poisoning and Thermal Deactivation
EMSL Project ID
Catalysits systems related to automotive exhaust control will be investigated. Specifically, the focus will be on catalysts that are important in lean NOx emission control (NOx storage/reduction (NSR)catalysts; catalysts for selective catalyitc reduction (SCR) of NOx). On the NSR side we are going to continue our fundamental studies aimed at understanding the sulfur poisoning of BaO-based catalysts. The effect of CeO2 addition to the base Pt/BaO/Al2O3 catalyst will also be studies, both in the view of NOx uptake/release/reduction and sulfur poisoning. On the SCR side, we are going to study the deactivation mechanisms of zeolite-based SCR catalysts (e.g. dealumination, sulfur poisoning, active phase agglomeration, etc).
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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Related Publications
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