Spatially Resolved Proteomic studies of Brains Obtained from Control Mice and Treated Mice Simulating Parkinson's Disease
EMSL Project ID
Research on the three-dimensional transcriptome of voxelated mice brains has demonstrated that significant RNA expression differences are detectable when comparing the brain transcriptomes of control mice to mice that have received elevated doses of methamphetamine as a model for Parkinson?s Disease. It is desirable to apply a similar three-dimensional proteomic approach on mouse brain voxels.Initially, brains and dissected brains (specifically dissected striatum) from untreated, control mice and methamphetamine treated mice will be used to develop protein extraction methods from brain tissue. These protein lysates will subsequently be used for the initial development of an accurate mass and time (AMT) tag database for characterizing the brain proteomes from treated and untreated mice.
The development of both the brain tissue protein extraction method and the AMT tag database will eventually be extended to mice brains that are three-dimensionally sectioned into voxels for obtaining the 3-D proteomic map of mouse brain tissue. This 3-D proteomic map will then be overlaid on the 3-D map of the mouse brain transcriptome providing the first display of this type.
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Related Publications
14. Park CC, Petyuk VA, Qian WJ, Smith RD, Smith DJ. Insights from combined transcrptomic and proteomic expression mapping in the mouse brain. Exp Rev Proteomics, 6:243-249, 2009.
45. Chin MH, Qian W-J, Wang H, Petyuk VA, Bloom JS, Sforza DM, Laćan G, Liu D, Khan AH, Cantor RM, Bigelow DJ, Melega WP, Camp DG 2nd, Smith RD, Smith DJ. Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and apoptosis revealed by proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of the striata in two mouse models of Parkinson's disease. J Proteome Res, 7:666–677, 2008.
Chin MH, Geng AB, Khan AH, Qian WJ, Petyuk VA, Boline J, Levy S, Toga AW, Smith RD, Leahy RM, Smith DJ.A genome-scale map of expression for a mouse brain section obtained using voxelation.Physiol Genomics. 2007 Aug 20;30(3):313-21.
Petyuk VA, Qian W-J, Chin MH, Wang H, Livesay EA, Monroe ME, Adkins JN, Jaitly N, Anderson DJ, Camp DG 2nd, Smith DJ, Smith RD. Spatial mapping of protein abundances in the mouse brain by voxelation integrated with high-throughput liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Genome Res 17:328-336, 2007.
Zhang Q, Qian WJ, Knyushko TV, Clauss TR, Purvine SO, Moore RJ, Sacksteder CA, Chin MH, Smith DJ, Ii DG, Bigelow DJ, Smith RD. A method for selective enrichment and analysis of nitrotyrosine-containing peptides in complex proteome samples. J Proteome Res, 6:2257-2268, 2007.