Flow Battery Research
EMSL Project ID
The main objective of this proposal is to explore electrochemical performance and solution chemistry of vanadium type flow battery and then to demonstrate a few kW prototype system. Flow battery has been a most promising candidate to store large scale energy from renewable power generators (wind and sun) because of its cost-effective, long cycle life and reliable performance. Vanadium type flow battery was developed and successfully demonstrated in Japan and Europe. Even though research on flow battery was started at NASA 30 years ago, there are significant technological gaps between US and other counties due to interrupted research. Thus, this research is initiated to understand what is going inside the flow battery, and then to develop innovative technologies. The research consists of component development and kW scale system development. The components are electrode, bipolar plate, electrolyte, membrane, seal, flow distributor, and end plates. At the first stage (~Sep. 2010), the research will be focused on benchmarking test with typical all vanadium flow battery (VFB) component materials. Benchmarking test includes test station setup, electrode material screening test, and electrolyte chemistry study. Two different test stations (static and flow test) will be installed to characterize the flow battery. Commercial porous electrode materials such as such as graphite felt, carbon felt, and graphite foam will be investigated to understand effects of design parameters(porosity, pore size distribution, thickness, shape and others), and finally to find the best electrode material. Two porous electrodes need to be bonded on solid impermeable plate to reduce contact resistance, flow resistance and compression force. Bonding materials and bonding method will be also one of focused research areas. Initial screening test will employ cyclic voltammetry to investigate electrochemical reversibility and electrochemical activity. Activation method of porous electrode materials is important and will be developed. Typical charge/discharge testing will be employed to screen materials or to characterize performance. Understanding of electrolyte chemistry is important to correlate cell performance and solution stability. After completing VFB study, we will switch the study to next generation V/Br type flow battery. Best materials and electrolyte composition for V/Br battery will be determined. In the second stage of this research (Oct. 2010~Sep. 2011), the full size electrode, seal, flow distributer and a few kW cell stack will be developed. A few kW prototype systems with electrolyte tanks, pumps, a cell stack, and controls will be developed and characterized. User owned equipment will be used in the project.
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