TRLIF Studies of Eu(III) Sorption to Quartz and Uranophane
EMSL Project ID
To complement and provide much needed experimental benchmarks to ongoing computational studies at the EMSL supercomputing facility, we propose to use four weeks of time at the facilities at EMSL to study the interaction of Eu(III) with quartz and uranophane using sorption experiments and time resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLIF).The influence of pH and ionic strength will be evaluated: pH will vary from 4 to 8 and the ionic strength from 10-3 to 0.5 M. The pH variation is important to study, because it is a factor affecting the zeta potential of the solid and the metal sorption. The ionic strength variation will allow the extrapolation of the results to zero ionic strength, at which modeling exercises are conducted and which is impossible to replicate experimentally.
Project Details
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Exploratory Research
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Related Publications
Kuta J, MCF Wander, Z Wang, S Jiang, N Wall, and AE Clark. 2011. "Trends in Ln(III) Sorption to Quartz Assessed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Laser Induced Flourescence Studies." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115(43):21120-21127. doi:10.1021/jp204633g