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Surface-Induced Dissociation of Large Molecules in Mass Spectrometry

EMSL Project ID


The general objective of our research is to achieve a fundamental understanding of the reaction kinetics and dynamics of activating and dissociating complex molecular ions, develop molecular level understanding of interactions of complex ions and molecules with surfaces, and develop new approaches for selective modification of substrates using beams of mass-selected hyperthermal ions. Our research addresses analytical challenges relevant to a broad range of applications within the Department of Energy (DOE) mission areas. Understanding ion activation and dissociation provides the scientific foundation for tandem mass spectrometry, one of the most important analytical methods developed in the last century. We investigate collisional activation and dissociation of a variety of complex molecules including protonated and deprotonated peptides, peptide radical cations and anions, non-covalent complexes, and metalloorganic complexes. Characterization of these molecules using tandem mass spectrometry is central to several fields including proteomics and catalysis, and is essential for understanding self assembly and molecular recognition processes. Our findings obtained for these model systems are relevant to a broader class of complex molecules in biofuels, petroleum samples, and constituents of secondary organic aerosols that are of specific interest to DOE. We investigate the dynamics of surface-induced dissociation (SID) of large molecules and the influence of physical and chemical properties of SID targets on the energy transfer into complex ions using time- and collision energy-resolved measurements in FT-ICR MS. Theoretical modeling of experimental data provides information on the energetics and dynamics of complex ion dissociation processes. EMSL provides unique resources necessary for the proposed research.

Project Details

Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Julia Laskin
Purdue University

Team Members

Tram Anh Pham
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Astrid Olivares
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Todd Lydic
Michigan State University

Gavin Reid
Michigan State University

Keri Vartanian
Oregon Health & Science University

Susan Stevens
Oregon Health & Science University

Frances Bahjat
Oregon Health & Science University

Dieter Staab
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research

Weiying Zhang
Huazhong Normal University

Evelyn Maris
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Kalupathirannehelage Don Gunaratne
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Avraham Be'er
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Naila Al Hasan
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Ingela Lanekoff
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Hongzhou Huang
Kansas State University

Brandi Heath
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Lisa Cazares
Eastern Virginia Medical School

Yehia Mechref
Texas Tech University

Thomas Priest
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Patrick Roach
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Grant Johnson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Amity Andersen
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Qichi Hu
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Dan Du
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Niranjan Govind
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Zihua Zhu
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Jean Futrell
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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