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The Role of Interfacial Processes on Mineral Transformations in Wet Supercritical CO2

EMSL Project ID


We propose a comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation of the role of interfacial water and CO2 on the energies, mechanisms, and rates of reactivity of a series of orthosilicate and phyllosilicate minerals in contact with supercritical-CO2 (scCO2) containing variable H2O. The molecular mechanisms for carbonation reactions, as well as the distribution of H2O between scCO2 and mineral surfaces, will be followed using molecular simulations and surface spectroscopy as a function of T, P, mineral composition and structure, and aH2O. The dynamics of water reactivity will be simulated using newly developed molecular dynamics models and reaction barriers will be calculated using density functional and molecular orbital theory electronic structure methods. The theoretical studies will be coupled with high-resolution spectroscopic measurements (e.g., IR/FTIR, NMR) to investigate the formation and structure of water layers at mineral surfaces and in the interlayer region of phyllosilicates, and identify potential interfacial carbonate and silicate species. The macroscopic reactivity of the orthosilicates and the changes in interlayer water structure and reactivity of the phyllosilicates will be determined experimentally using high pressure cells. The proposed research will provide new insights into mineral transformations under extreme conditions and help establish a basis for assessing the effectiveness of CO2 sequestration in geologic disposal sites.

Project Details

Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Andrew Felmy
Washington State University

Team Members

Jonathan Bachman
University of Iowa

Anne Chaka
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Arun Devaraj
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pascale Benezeth ep. Gisquet
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Romulus Turcu
Babes-Bolyai University

Virgil Jackson
University of Alabama

Sebastien Kerisit
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jian-zhi Hu
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

James Rustad
Corning, Inc.

Christopher Thompson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

John Loring
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Eugene Ilton
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

David Dixon
University of Alabama

Zheming Wang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Odeta Qafoku
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Kevin Rosso
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Ravi Kukkadapu
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Bruce Arey
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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