Collaborative research projects in the PNNL NIH NCRR P41 Biomedical Technology Research Center 'Proteomics research resource for integrative biology'
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Collaborative research projects in the PNNL NIH NCRR P41 Biomedical Technology Research Center 'Proteomics research resource for integrative biology'
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Adkins JN, H Mottaz, TO Metz, CK Ansong, NP Manes, RD Smith, and F Heffron. 2010. "Performing Comparative Peptidomics Analyses of Salmonella from Different Growth Conditions." Chapter 2 in Peptidomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 615, ed. Mikhail Soloviev, pp. 13-27. Humana Press, Inc., New York, NY.
Alfaro JF, CX Gong, ME Monroe, JT Aldrich, TRW Clauss, SO Purvine, Z Wang, DG Camp, II, J Shabanowitz, P Stanley, GW Hart, DF Hunt, F Yang, and RD Smith. 2012. "Tandem Mass Spectrometry identifies novel mouse brain O-GlcNAcylated proteins including targets of the ER-resident O-GlcNAc transferase." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(19):7280-7285. doi:10.1073/pnas.1200425109
Andreev VP, VA Petyuk, HM Brewer, Y Karpievitch, F Xie, J Clarke, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, AP Lieberman, RL Albin, Z Nawaz, JE Hokayem, and AJ Myers. 2012. "Label-Free Quantitative LC?MS Proteomics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Normally Aged Human Brains." Journal of Proteome Research 11(6):3053-3067. doi:10.1021/pr3001546
Angel TE, BJ Luft, X Yang, CD Nicora, DG Camp, II, JM Jacobs, and RD Smith. 2010. "Proteome Analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi Response to Environmental Change." PLoS One 5(11):Article No.: e13800. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013800
Angel TE, JM Jacobs, S Elias, MA Gritsenko, AK Shukla, DG Camp, II, MS Pasternack, C McCarthy, RP Smith, S Warren, and RD Smith. 2012. "Cerebrospinal fluid proteome of subjects with acute Lyme disease." Journal of Proteome Research 11(10):4814-22. doi:10.1021/pr300577p
Angel TE, JM Jacobs, SS Spudich, MA Gritsenko, D Fuchs, T Liegler, H Zetterberg, DG Camp, II, RW Price, and RD Smith. 2012. "The cerebrospinal fluid proteome in HIV infection: change associated with disease severity." Clinical Proteomics 9:Article No. 3. doi:10.1186/1559-0275-9-3
Angel TE, UK Aryal, SM Hengel, ES Baker, RT Kelly, EW Robinson, and RD Smith. 2012. "Mass spectrometry-based proteomics: existing capabilities and future directions." Chemical Society Reviews 41(10):3912-3928. doi:10.1039/C2CS15331A
Ansong C, C Ortega, SH Payne, DH Haft, LM Chauvigne-Hines, MP Lewis, SO Purvine, AK Shukla, S Fortuin, RD Smith, JN Adkins, C Grundner, and AT Wright. 2013. "Identification of widespread adenosine nucleotide binding in Mycobacterium tuberculosis." Chemistry & Biology 20(1):123-133. doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2012.11.008
Belov ME, S Prasad, DC Prior, WF Danielson, III, KK Weitz, YM Ibrahim, and RD Smith. 2011. "Pulsed Multiple Reaction Monitoring Approach to Enhancing Sensitivity of a Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer." Analytical Chemistry 83(6):2162–2171. doi:10.1021/ac103006b
Brown JN, GM Ortiz, TE Angel, JM Jacobs, MA Gritsenko, EY Chan, DE Purdy, RD Murnane, K Larsen, RE Palermo, AK Shukla, TRW Clauss, MG Katze, JM McCune, and RD Smith. 2012. "Morphine Produces Immunosuppressive Effects in Non-human Primates at the Proteomic and Cellular Levels." Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. MCP. doi:10.1074/mcp.M111.016121
Buchko GW, G Niemann, ES Baker, ME Belov, RD Smith, F Heffron, JN Adkins, and JE McDermott. 2010. "A multi-pronged search for a common structural motif in the secretion signal of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium type III effector proteins." Molecular Biosystems 6(12):2448-2458. doi:10.1039/c0mb00097c
Charusanti P, S Chauhan, K Mcateer, JA Lerman, DR Hyduke, VL Motin, C Ansong, JN Adkins, and BO Palsson. 2011. "An Experimentally-Supported Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Reconstruction for Yersinia pestis CO92." BMC Systems Biology 5:Article No. 163. doi:10.1186/1752-0509-5-163
Chauvigne-Hines LM, LN Anderson, HM Weaver, JN Brown, PK Koech, CD Nicora, BA Hofstad, RD Smith, MJ Wilkins, SJ Callister, and AT Wright. 2012. "Suite of Activity-Based Probes for Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes." Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(50):20521-20532. doi:10.1021/ja309790w
Chauvin T, F Xie, T Liu, CD Nicora, F Yang, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and KP Roberts. 2012. "A Systematic Analysis of a Deep Mouse Epididymal Sperm Proteome." Biology of Reproduction 87(6):141. doi:10.1095/biolreprod.112.104208
Crowell KL, GW Slysz, ES Baker, BL Lamarche, ME Monroe, YM Ibrahim, SH Payne, GA Anderson, and RD Smith. 2013. "LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder: Detecting Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility, and Mass Spectrometry Features in Complex Datasets." Bioinformatics 29(21):2804-2805 . doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btt465
Depuydt GG, F Xie, VA Petyuk, A Smolders, HM Brewer, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and BP Braeckman. 2014. "LC–MS Proteomics Analysis of the Insulin/IGF-1-Deficient Caenorhabditis elegans daf-2(e1370) Mutant Reveals Extensive Restructuring of Intermediary Metabolism." Journal of Proteome Research. doi:10.1021/pr401081b
Depuydt GG, F Xie, VA Petyuk, N Shanmugam, A Smolders, I Dhondt, HM Brewer, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and BP Braeckman. 2014. "Reduced insulin/IGF?1 signaling and dietary restriction inhibit translation but preserve muscle mass in Caenorhabditis elegans." Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. doi:10.1074/mcp.M113.027383 mcp.M113.027383
Diamond DL, AJ Syder, JM Jacobs, CM Sorensen, KA Walters, S Proll, JE McDermott, MA Gritsenko, Q Zhang, R Zhao, TO Metz, DG Camp, II, KM Waters, RD Smith, CM Rice, and MG Katze. 2010. "Temporal Proteome and Lipidome Profiles Reveal HCV-Associated Reprogramming of Hepatocellular Metabolism and Bioenergetics ." PLoS Pathogens 6(1):Art. No. e1000719. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000719
Diamond DL, A Krasnoselski, KE Burnum, ME Monroe, BJM Webb-Robertson, JE McDermott, MM Yeh, S Strom , S Proll, S Belisle, A Rasmussen, KA Walters, JM Jacobs, MA Gritsenko, DG Camp, II, R Bhattacharya, JD Perkins, RL Carithers, IW Liou, AM Larson, KM Waters, RD Smith, and MG Katze. 2012. "Proteome and Computational Analyses Reveal New Insights into the Mechanisms of Hepatitis C Virus Mediated Liver Disease Post-Transplantation." Hepatology. doi:10.1002/hep.25649 (Epub ahead of print)
Dresang LR, JR Teuton, F Huichen, JM Jacobs, DG Camp, II, SO Purvine, MA Gritsenko, L Zhihua, RD Smith, B Sugden, PS Moore, and Y Chang. 2011. "Coupled Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis of Human Lymphotropic Tumor Viruses: Insights on the Detection and Discovery of Viral Genes." BMC Genomics 12:625.
Finnerty CC, MG Jeschke, W Qian, A Kaushal, W Xiao, T Liu, MA Gritsenko, RJ Moore, DG Camp, II, LL Moldawer, C Elson, D Schoenfeld, R Gamelli, N Gibran, M Klein, B Arnoldo, D Remick, RD Smith, RW Davis, RG Tompkins, and DN Herndon. 2013. "DETERMINATION OF BURN PATIENT OUTCOME BY LARGE SCALE QUANTITATIVE DISCOVERY PROTEOMICS." Critical Care Medicine. doi:10.1097/CCM.0b013e31827c072e
Frank AM, ME Monroe, AR Shah, JJ Carver, N Bandeira, RJ Moore, GA Anderson, RD Smith, and PA Pevzner. 2011. "Spectral archives: extending spectral libraries to analyze both identified and unidentified spectra." Nature Methods 8(7):587-591. doi:10.1038/nmeth.1609
Hamid AM, YM Ibrahim, VBS Garimella, IK Webb, L Deng, TC Chen, GA Anderson, SA Prost, RV Norheim, AV Tolmachev, and RD Smith. 2015. "Characterization of Traveling Wave Ion Mobility Separations in Structures for Lossless Ion Manipulations." Analytical Chemistry 87(22):11301-11308. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.5b02481
Hengel SM, EA Floyd, ES Baker, R Zhao, S Wu, and L Pasa-Tolic. 2012. "Evaluation of SDS depletion using an affinity spin column and IMS-MS detection." Proteomics 12(21):3138-3142. doi:10.1002/pmic.201200168
Hyung SW, RJ Moore, PD Piehowski, DJ Orton, AA Schepmoes, TRW Clauss, RK Chu, TL Fillmore, HM Brewer, T Liu, R Zhao, and RD Smith. 2014. "Micro-Scale Depletion of High Abundance Proteins in Human Bio-fluids using IgY14 Immunoaffinity Resin: Analysis of Human Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid ." Journal of Proteome Research Epub ahead of print:, doi:10.1007/s00216-014-8058-3
Jun SH, MS Chang, BC Kim, HJ An, D Lopez-Ferrer, R Zhao, RD Smith, SW Lee, and J Kim. 2010. "Trypsin coatings on electrospun and alcohol-dispersed polymer nanofibers for trypsin digestion column." Analytical Chemistry 82(18):7828 - 7834. doi:10.1021/ac101633e
Karpievitch YV, AD Polpitiya, GA Anderson, RD Smith, and AR Dabney. 2010. "Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics: Biological and Technological Aspects." The Annals of Applied Statistics 4(4):1797-1823.
Kelly RT, AV Tolmachev, JS Page, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2010. "The Ion Funnel: Theory, Implementations and Applications." Mass Spectrometry Reviews 29(2):294-312. doi:10.1002/mas.20232
Kim JS, ME Monroe, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and W Qian. 2013. "In-Source Fragmentation and the Sources of Partially Tryptic Peptides in Shotgun Proteomics ." Journal of Proteome Research 12(2):910-916. doi:10.1021/pr300955f.Epub 2013 January 16.
Kim JS, TL Fillmore, T Liu, EW Robinson, M Hossain, BL Champion, RJ Moore, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and W Qian. 2011. "18O-Labeled Proteome Reference as Global Internal Standards for Targeted Quantification by Selected Reaction Monitoring-Mass Spectrometry." Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. MCP 10(12):Article No. M110.007302. doi:10.1074/mcp.M110.007302
Kim JS, Z Dai, UK Aryal, RJ Moore, DG Camp, II, SE Baker, RD Smith, and W Qian. 2013. "Resin-assisted Enrichment of N-terminal Peptides for Characterizing Proteolytic Processing ." Analytical Chemistry 85(14):6826-6832. doi:10.1021 /ac401000q
Kuta J, Z Wang, K Wisuri, MCF Wander, N Wall, and AE Clark. 2013. "The surface structure of ?-uranophane and its interaction with Eu(III) – An integrated computational and fluorescence spectroscopy study." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 103:184-196. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.056
Lee JH, SW Hyung, DG Mun, HJ Jung, H Kim, H Lee, SJ Kim, KS Park, RJ Moore, RD Smith, and SW Lee. 2012. "A fully automated multi-functional ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography system for advanced proteome analyses." Journal of Proteome Research 11(8):4373-4381.
Lopez-Ferrer D, K Petritis, EW Robinson, KK Hixson, Z Tian, JH Lee, SW Lee, N Tolic, KK Weitz, ME Belov, RD Smith, and L Pasa-Tolic. 2011. "Pressurized Pepsin Digestion in Proteomics: An Automatable Alternative to Trypsin for Integrated Top-down Bottom-up Proteomics." Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. MCP 10(2):, doi:10.1074/mcp.M110.001479
Malouli D, ES Nakayasu, K Viswanathan, DG Camp, II, WL Chang, PA Barry, RD Smith, and K Fruh. 2012. "Re-evaluation of the coding potential and proteomic analysis of the BAC derived Rhesus cytomegalovirus strain 68-1." PNNL-SA-87442, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. [Unpublished]
Marginean I, SR Kronewitter, RJ Moore, GW Slysz, ME Monroe, GA Anderson, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2012. "Improving N-Glycan Coverage using HPLC-MS with Electrospray Ionization at Subambient Pressure." Analytical Chemistry 84(21):9208-9213. doi:10.1021/ac301961u
Maxwell E, Y Tan, Y Tan, H Hu, G Benson, K Aizikov, S Conley, GO Staples, GW Slysz, RD Smith, and J Zaia. 2012. "GlycReSoft: A Software Package for Automated Recognition of Glycans from LC/MS Data ." PLoS One 7(9):e45474. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045474
Merkley ED, ES Baker, KL Crowell, DJ Orton, T Taverner, C Ansong, YM Ibrahim, MC Burnet, JR Cort, GA Anderson, RD Smith, and JN Adkins. 2013. "Mixed-Isotope Labeling with LC-IMS-MS for Characterization of Protein-Protein Interactions by Chemical Cross-Linking ." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. doi:10.1007/s13361-012-0565-x
Merkley ED, TO Metz, RD Smith, J Baynes, and N Frizell. 2014. "The Succinated Proteome." Mass Spectrometry Reviews [Epub ahead of print]:, doi:10.1002/mas.21382
Nakayasu ES, C Ansong, JN Brown, F Yang, D Lopez-Ferrer, W Qian, RD Smith, and JN Adkins. 2013. "Evaluation of selected binding domains for the analysis of ubiquitinated proteomes." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. doi:10.1007/s13361-013-0619-8. Epub ahead of print
Ortega C, R Liao, LN Anderson, T Rustad, AR Ollodart, AT Wright, DR Sherman, and C Grundner. 2014. "Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ser/Thr protein kinase B mediates an oxygen-dependent replication switch." PLoS Biology 12(1):Article No. e1001746. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001746
Piehowski PD, VA Petyuk, DJ Orton, F Xie, RJ Moore, M Ramirez, A Engel, AP Lieberman, RL Albin, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and AJ Myers. 2013. "Sources of Technical Variability in Quantitative LC-MS Proteomics: Human Brain Tissue Sample Analysis." Journal of Proteome Research 12(5):2128-2137. doi:10.1021/pr301146m. Epub 2013 April 10.
Piehowski PD, VA Petyuk, JD Sandoval, KE Burnum, GR Kiebel, ME Monroe, GA Anderson, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2013. "STEPS: A Grid Search Methodology for Optimized Peptide Identification Filtering of MS/MS Database Search Results." Proteomics 13(5):766-770. doi:10.1002/pmic.201200096
Pincus DE, C Ryan, RD Smith, R Brent, and O Resnekov. 2013. "Assigning quantitative function to post-Â?translational modifications reveals multiple sites of phosphorylation that tune yeast pheromone signaling output." PLoS One 8(3):Article No. e56544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056544
Qian W, BO Petritis, A Kaushal, CC Finnerty, MG Jescheke, ME Monroe, RJ Moore, AA Schepmoes, W Xiao, LL Moldawer, RW Davis, RG Tompkins, DN Herndon, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2010. "Plasma Proteome Response to Severe Burn Injury Revealed by 18O-Labeled “Universal” Reference-based Quantitative Proteomics." Journal of Proteome Research 9(9):4779-4789.
Rutledge AC, G Fontes, MA Gritsenko, AD Norbeck, DJ Anderson, KM Waters, JN Adkins, RD Smith, V Poitout, and TO Metz. 2012. "Discovery of novel glucose-regulated proteins in isolated human pancreatic islets using LC-MS/MS-based proteomics." Journal of Biological Chemistry. doi:10.1021/pr3002996
Schoenherr RM, KS Kelly-Spratt, CW Lin, JR Whiteaker, T Liu, T Holzman, I Coleman, LC Feng, TD Lorentzen, AL Krasnoselsky, P Wang, Y Liu, KE Gurley, LM Amon, AA Schepmoes, RJ Moore, DG Camp, II, LA Chodosh, RD Smith, PS Nelson, M McIntosh, C Kemp, and AG Paulovich. 2011. "Proteome and Transcriptome Profiles of a Her2/Neu-driven Mouse Model of Breast Cancer." Proteomics - Clinical Applications 5(3-4):179-188. doi:10.1002/prca.201000037
Shen Y, N Tolic, SO Purvine, and RD Smith. 2011. "Improving CID, HCD, and ETD FT MS/MS degradome-peptidome identifications using high accuracy mass information." Journal of Proteome Research. doi:10.1021/pr200597j
Shen Y, T Liu, N Tolic, BO Petritis, R Zhao, RJ Moore, SO Purvine, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2010. "A strategy for degradomic-peptidomic analysis of the human blood plasma ." Journal of Proteome Research 9(5):2339-2346. doi:10.1021/pr901083m
Shi T, TL Fillmore, X Sun, R Zhao, AA Schepmoes, M Hossain, S Wu, JS Kim, NJ Jones, RJ Moore, L Pasa-Tolic, J Kagan, KD Rodland, T Liu, K Tang, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and W Qian. 2012. "An antibody-free, targeted mass spectrometry approach for quantification of proteins at low picogram/milliliter levels in human plasma/serum." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. doi:10.1073/pnas.1204366109 [In Press]
Shi T, Y Gao, SI Quek, TL Fillmore, CD Nicora, D Su, R Zhao, KD Rodland, T Liu, RD Smith, DW Chan, DG Camp, II, AY Liu, and W Qian. 2013. "A highly sensitive targeted mass spectrometric assay for quantification of low-abundance AGR2 in human urine and serum." Journal of Proteome Research. doi:10.1021/pr400912c [Epub Ahead of Print]
Shi T, Y Gao, SI Quek, TL Fillmore, CD Nicora, D Su, R Zhao, KD Rodland, T Liu, RD Smith, DW Chan, DG Camp, II, AY Liu, and W Qian. 2014. "A highly sensitive targeted mass spectrometric assay for quantification of low-abundance AGR2 in human urine and serum." Journal of Proteome Research 13(2):875-882. doi:10.1021/pr400912c
Shvartsburg AA, A Creese, RD Smith, and HJ Cooper. 2010. "Separation of Peptide Isomers with Variant Modified Sites by High-Resolution Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 82(19):8327-8334. doi:10.1021/ac101878a
Shvartsburg AA, and RD Smith. 2011. "Accelerated High-Resolution Differential Ion Mobility Separations Using Hydrogen ." Analytical Chemistry 83:9159-9166.
Shvartsburg AA, and RD Smith. 2011. "Ultrahigh-Resolution Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry Using Extended Separation Times." Analytical Chemistry 83(1):23-29. doi:10.1021/ac102689p
Shvartsburg AA, and RD Smith. 2012. "Protein Analyses Using Differential Ion Mobility Microchips with Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry. [In Press]
Shvartsburg AA, and RD Smith. 2013. "High-Resolution Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry of a Protein." Analytical Chemistry 85(1):10-13. doi:10.1021/ac3029129
Shvartsburg AA, and RD Smith. 2013. "Separation of Protein Conformers by Differential Ion Mobility in Hydrogen-Rich Gases ." Analytical Chemistry 85(15):6967-6973. doi:10.1021/ac4015963
Shvartsburg AA, TA Seim, WF Danielson, III, RV Norheim, RJ Moore, RD Smith, and GA Anderson. 2013. "High-Definition Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry with Resolving Power up to 500 ." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 24:109-114. doi:10.1007/s13361-012-0517-5
Shvartsburg AA, Y Zheng, RD Smith, and N Kelleher. 2012. "Ion Mobility Separation of Variant Histone Tails Extending to the “Middle-down” Range ." Analytical Chemistry 84(10):4271-4276. doi:10.1021/ac300612y
Shvartsburg AA, Y Zheng, RD Smith, and N Kelleher. 2012. "Separation of Variant Methylated Histone Tails by Differential Ion Mobility ." Analytical Chemistry 84:6317-6320.
Smith JS, TE Angel, C Chavkin, DJ Orton, RJ Moore, and RD Smith. 2014. "Characterization of individual mouse cerebrospinal fluid proteomes." Proteomics 2014(00):1-5. doi:10.1002/pmic.201300241
Smith RD. 2012. "Mass spectrometry in biomarker applications: from untargeted discovery to targeted verification, and implications for platform convergence and clinical application." Clinical Chemistry 58(3):528-530. doi:10.1373/clinchem.2011.180596
Su D, AK Shukla, B Chen, JS Kim, ES Nakayasu, Y Qu, UK Aryal, KK Weitz, TRW Clauss, ME Monroe, DG Camp, II, DJ Bigelow, RD Smith, RN Kulkarni, and W Qian. 2013. "Quantitative Site-specific Reactivity Profiling of S-Nitrosylation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle Using Cysteinyl Peptide Enrichment Coupled with Mass Spectrometry." Free Radical Biology & Medicine 57:68-78. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2012.12.010
Sun X, RT Kelly, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2010. "Ultrasensitive Nanoelectrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry using Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microchips with Monolithically Integrated Emitters." Analyst 135(9):2296-2302.
Sun X, RT Kelly, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2011. "Membrane-Based Emitter for Coupling Microfluidics with Ultrasensitive Nanoelectrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 83(4):5797-5803. doi:10.1021/ac200960h
Taverner T, Y Karpievitch, AD Polpitiya, GA Anderson, and RD Smith. 2012. "DanteR: an extensible R-based tool for quantitative analysis of -omics data ." Bioinformatics 28(18):2404-2406.
Tian Z, R Zhao, N Tolic, RJ Moore, DL Stenoien, EW Robinson, RD Smith, and L Pasa-Tolic. 2010. "Two-dimensional liquid chromatography system for online top-down mass spectrometry." Proteomics 10(20):3610-3620. doi:10.1002/pmic.201000367
Wang L, UK Aryal, Z Dai, AC Mason, ME Monroe, Z Tian, J Zhou, D Su, KK Weitz, T Liu, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, SE Baker, and W Qian. 2012. "Mapping N-linked Glycosylation Sites in the Secretome and Whole Cells of Aspergillus niger Using Hydrazide Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry." Journal of Proteome Research 11(1):143-56. doi:10.1021/pr200916k
Wang X, GA Anderson, RD Smith, and AR Dabney. 2012. "A Hybrid Approach to Protein Differential Expression in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics." Bioinformatics 28(12):1586-1591. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts193
Wang Y, F Yang, Y Fu, X Huang, W Wang, X Jiang, MA Gritsenko, R Zhao, ME Monroe, OC Pertz, SO Purvine, DJ Orton, JM Jacobs, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and RL Klemke. 2011. "Spatial Phosphoprotein Profiling Reveals a Compartmentalized Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase Switch Governing Neurite Growth and Retraction." Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(20):18190-18201.
Wu S, JN Brown, N Tolic, D Meng, X Liu, H Zhang, R Zhao, RJ Moore, PA Pevzner, RD Smith, and L Pasa-Tolic. 2014. "Quantitative Analysis of Human Salivary Gland-Derived Intact Proteome Using Top-Down Mass Spectrometry." Proteomics. doi:10.1002/pmic.201300378 [In Press]
Xie F, RD Smith, and Y Shen. 2012. "Advanced proteomic liquid chromatography ." Journal of Chromatography A.
Yang F, KM Waters, BJM Webb-Robertson, MB Sowa, CH Freiin von Neubeck, JT Aldrich, LM Markillie, RM Wirgau, MA Gristenko, R Zhao, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and DL Stenoien. 2012. "Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Identifies Filaggrin and other Targets of Ionizing Radiation in a Human Skin Model." Experimental Dermatology 21(5):352–357. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0625.2012.01470.x
Yang F, KM Waters, JH Miller, MA Gritsenko, R Zhao, X Du, EA Livesay, SO Purvine, ME Monroe, Y Wang, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and DL Stenoien. 2010. "Phosphoproteomics profiling of human skin fibroblast cells reveals pathways and proteins affected by low doses of ionizing radiation." PLoS One 5(11):e14152. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014152
Yang F, Y Shen, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2012. "High pH reversed-phase chromatography with fraction concatenation for 2D proteomic analysis." Expert Review of Proteomics 9(2):129-134. doi:10.1586/EPR.12.15
Zaborin A, J Defazio, M Kade, BLD Kaiser, N Belogortseva, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, JN Adkins, SM Kim, A Alverdy, D Goldfeld, M Firestone, J Collier, B Jabri, M Tirrell, O Zaborina, and JC Alverdy. 2014. "Phosphate-Containing Polyethylene Glycol Polymers Prevent Lethal Sepsis by Multidrug-Resistant Pathogens." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58(2):966. doi:10.1128/AAC.02183-13
Zhang H, RN Brown, W Qian, ME Monroe, SO Purvine, RJ Moore, MA Gritsenko, L Shi, MF Romine, JK Fredrickson, L Pasa-Tolic, RD Smith, and MS Lipton. 2010. "Quantitative analysis of cell surface membrane proteins using membrane-impermeable chemical probe coupled with 18O labeling." Journal of Proteome Research 9(5):2160-2169.
Zhang Q, TL Fillmore, AA Schepmoes, TRW Clauss, MA Gritsenko, PW Mueller, M Rewers, MA Atkinson, RD Smith, and TO Metz. 2013. "Serum proteomics reveals systemic dysregulation of innate immunity in type 1 diabetes." The Journal of Experimental Medicine 210(1):191-203. doi:10.1084/jem.20111843
Zhang X, J Zhou, MH Chin, AA Schepmoes, VA Petyuk, KK Weitz, BO Petritis, ME Monroe, DG Camp, II, SA Wood, WP Melega, DJ Bigelow, DJ Smith, W Qian, and RD Smith. 2010. " Region-Specific Protein Abundance Changes in the Brain of MPTP-induced Parkinson’s Disease Mouse Model ." Journal of Proteome Research 9(3):1496-1509. doi:10.1021/pr901024z
Zhou J, RK Krovvidi, Y Gao, H Gao, BO Petritis, A De, C Miller-Graziano, PE Bankey, VA Petyuk, CD Nicora, TRW Clauss, RJ Moore, T Shi, JN Brown, A Kaushal, W Xiao, RW Davis, RV Maier, RG Tompkins, W Qian, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2013. "Trauma-associated Human Neutrophil Alterations Revealed by Comparative Proteomics Profiling." Proteomics - Clinical Applications 7:1-13. doi:10.1002/prca.201200109