Nanoparticle design, synthesis and characterization for NIH Center Integrating Structure, Activity, Biokinetics and Response for Engineered Nanoparticle (ENP) Risk Assessment
EMSL Project ID
This work provides the essential materials science base for designing, synthesizing and delivering three types of nanoparticles for three mechanistic nanotoxicology related biological studies being conducted as part of an NIH center program at PNNL that is also linked to five other centers located around the country. The Material Science Core of the NIH program is organized into three main components: 1) manufacture of primary particles (amorphous silica, cerium, and iron oxides) with specific surface functionality; 2) the modification of the primary particles by addition of fluorescent labels to support tracking and quantification in the biological systems under study, and; 3) characterization of nanoparticles including the kinetics of changes in different media. One major focus of the Material Science Core is completing characterizations in the most appropriate environment for each use- of aerosols for inhalation studies, in cell culture media for in vitro studies, and in vivo tissue samples where called for in animal studies. EMSL capabilities are primarily to be used as an essential component of the particle characterization. A key strength of the Material Science Core is the intent and ability to follow material property transformations in time, providing for characterization of the dynamic nature of ENP characteristics and assuring that these dynamics are not significant confounders to the biological studies. The most important outcomes of work conducted under the Material Science Core will be consistent design and delivery of materials in the appropriate systems, providing for strong Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) modeling and the ability to compare results against results for other particles within our Program and within the consortium. Output of the research will be publications in materials and biological areas. This research on nanoparticle interactions with biological systems directly matches one element of the EMSL 2011 Science of Interfacial Phenomena portion of the Science Theme call for proposals.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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