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Large-scale computational modeling of the chemical transformation of actinide elements at interfaces

EMSL Project ID


Subsurface migration of radioactive waste resulting from nuclear energy and weapons production is a critical issue to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the safe and cost-effective disposal of this waste could be a limiting factor in deploying new energy technologies for the nation. Molecular-level processes, such as aqueous complexation, adsorption to, and the redox chemistry of actinide species in geochemical environments, often control the complex transport and reactive behavior of these species in chemically and physically heterogeneous subsurface environments. The ability to predict, control, or manipulate them is critical to virtually all aspects of environmental actinide chemistry.
The goal of this project is to establish a fundamental and comprehensive molecular and multiscale understanding of the influence of complex real-world geochemical environments on the speciation, adsorption, reduction chemistry, and chemical transformation of actinide species, using to our advantage statistical and quantum mechanical computational chemistry tools and EMSL's supercomputing resources.

Project Details

Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Wibe De Jong
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Team Members

Theodore Hromadka
University of California, San Diego

Xiaobin Zhang
University of Manitoba

Andrea Melchior
Università di Udine

Xiaoning Yang
Washington State University

Payal Parmar
Washington State University

Yu Gong
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

David Bross
Washington State University

John Freiderich
Washington State University

Duo Song
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Sebastien Hoefener
VU University Amsterdam

Wasut Pornpatcharapong
University of California, San Diego

Daniel Sullivan
Washington State University

Chun-Hung Wang
Washington State University

Teerapong Pirojsirikul
University of California, San Diego

Pawel Tecmer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Ying Chen
University of California, San Diego

Alex Samuels
Washington State University

Donald Johnson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Raymond Atta-Fynn
The University of Texas at Arlington

Samuel Odoh
University of Minnesota

Ping Yang
Los Alamos National Laboratory

George Schoendorff
University of North Texas

Aurora Clark
Washington State University

Theresa Windus
Iowa State University

Eric Bylaska
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Lucas Visscher
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

John Weare
University of California, San Diego

Jun Li
Tsinghua University

H. Georg Schreckenbach
University of Manitoba

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Atta-Fynn R, EJ Bylaska, and WA De Jong. 2012. "Free energies and mechanisms of water exchange around Uranyl from first principles molecular dynamics." In 2011 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting - Symposium A – Material Challenges in Current and Future Nuclear Technologies, vol. 1383, pp. mrsf11-1383-a07-06. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. doi:10.1557/opl.2012.181
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Samuels AC, CA Boele, KT Bennett, SB Clark, N Wall, and AE Clark. 2014. "Integrated Computational and Experimental Protocol for Understanding Rh(III) Speciation in Hydrochloric and Nitric Acid Solutions." Inorganic Chemistry 53(23):12315–12322. doi:10.1021/ic501408r
Tecmer P, N Govind, K Kowalski, WA De Jong, and L Visscher. 2013. "Reliable Modeling of the Electronic Spectra of Realistic Uranium Complexes." Journal of Chemical Physics 139(3):034301-1 to 034301-12.