Dynamic Bioresponsive Nanomaterials Captured by Dynamic Transmission Electron Microscopy and High Resolution Optical Microscopy
EMSL Project ID
The overarching goal of this research program is to develop discrete, biomolecule encoded nanomaterials capable of responding to their environment through fundamental changes in their morphological, physical and chemical properties. The program seeks to address central problems in the synthesis and characterization of soft materials at the nanoscale by using biological elements to build complexity and advanced electron microscopy approaches for studying these materials in their dynamic state. Furthermore, the program seeks to explore fundamental opportunities and limitations at the biomolecule-soft nanoparticle interface and to study these systems in challenging environments including biological fluids. We propose an approach enabling active, smart uptake and release of molecules from solution via catalytic and other chemical reactions inducing switches in the morphological state of a soft nanoscale carrier. Such an approach is expected to influence materials synthesis, templation, drug delivery, small- and bio-molecule detection, chemical remediation, and self-healing materials. We aim to explore these materials in a variety of settings including as shape-dependent templates for inorganic materials, and as morphology dependent probes and uptake-and-release systems. The facilities at EMSL and expertise of collaborators Dr. James Evans and Dr. Nigel Browning will be an absolutely essential part of the successful development of these materials. Indeed, our team aims to develop dynamic electron microscopy as the gold standard in characterizing soft, dynamic materials.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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Related Publications
Chien MP, D Hu, CV Barback, AM Rush, DJ Hall, G Orr, and NC Gianneschi. 2013. "Enzyme-Directed Assembly of Nanoparticles in Tumors Monitored by In Vivo Whole Animal and Ex Vivo Super Resolution Fluorescence Imaging." Journal of the American Chemical Society. doi:10.1021/ja408182p
Patterson JP, P Abellan Baeza, MS Denny, JR, C Park, ND Browning, SM Cohen, JE Evans, and NC Gianneschi. 2015. "Observing Self-assembly of Metal-Organic Frameworks by In-Situ Liquid Cell TEM." Nature 137(23):7322-7328. doi:10.1021/jacs.5b00817
Proetto MT, AM Rush, MP Chien, P Abellan Baeza, MP Thompson, NH Olson, CE Moore, AL Rheingold, C Andolina, J Millstone, SB Howell, ND Browning, JE Evans, and NC Gianneschi. 2014. "Transmission Electron Microscopy of a Synthetic Soft Material in Liquid Water." Journal of the American Chemical Society 136(4):1162-1165. doi:10.1021/ja408513m
Proetto M.T., C.E. Callmann, J.B. Cliff, C.J. Szymanski, D. Hu, S.B. Howell, and J.E. Evans, et al. 2018. "Tumor Retention of Enzyme-Responsive Pt(II) Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles Imaged by NanoSIMS and Fluorescence Microscopy." ACS Central Science 4, no. 11:1477–1484. PNNL-SA-138579. doi:10.1021/acscentsci.8b00444
Proetto MT, CR Anderton, D Hu, CJ Szymanski, Z Zhu, JP Patterson, JK Kammeyer, LG Nilewski, AM Rush, NC Bell, JE Evans, G Orr, SB Howell, and NC Gianneschi. 2016. "Cellular Delivery of Nanoparticles Revealed with Combined Optical and Isotopic Nanoscopy." ACS Nano 10(4):4046-4054. doi:10. 1021/acsnano. 5b06477