Nanoscale Characterization of Zeolite ZSM-5 Crystals using Atom Probe Tomography
EMSL Project ID
The potential of atom probe tomography (APT) to characterize: (i) the 3-D location and distribution of Si and Al atoms, and (ii) the 3-D map of the mesoporosity, in a series of well-defined and well-characterized zeolite single crystals is proposed. The focus will be on an in-depth characterization of the industrially important zeolite ZSM-5 material. If granted we believe we can make breakthrough experiments providing new fundamental insight in the 3-D location of Al atoms within the industrially important zeolite ZSM-5 material. This is a proof of principle experiment due to the challenge of analyzing a mesoporous sample which can complicate the APT reconstruction due to possible ion trajectory overlaps. If these initial experiments are successful, we will submit a science theme proposal during the next call to extend the work.
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