Further development and demonstration of a high-pressure magic angle spinning (MAS) probe for use in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
EMSL Project ID
Through a multiyear LDRD effort on the Carbon Sequestration Initiative, a new MAS probe was developed for NMR analysis of materials that would potentially be used in underground CO2 sequestration. Because such a probe would need to replicate the high-pressure conditions of the geologic carbon sequestration environment, an entirely new type of probe capability was needed. Deployment of this unique probe throughout the NMR research community will potentially benefit several mission areas, including CO2 sequestration, exploration of new energy sources and development of new catalysts. Ownership of the probe developed in this project will be vested in the U.S. Department of Energy, so that the probe can be utilized within EMSL in future research by internal and external users. At the conclusion of this lab-level Technology Maturation project (EPR 64117), an option greement is in place where potential licensing of the technology to a small Colorado company is possible.
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