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Laser Desorption, Raman, Photoemission and Electron Microscopy of Hybrid Metal - Insulator Nanostructures

EMSL Project ID


The details of how photons couple to wide bandgap materials and the consequences of these excitations such as particle emission and field enhancement are playing increasingly important roles in several technologies and applications, including chemical analysis, semiconductor manufacture, pulsed electron sources, and the use high power lasers for X-ray production. Laser interactions with nominally transparent (wide bandgap) materials are greatly altered when the insulator is in close contact with a metal. Our goal is to understand excited state dynamics wide band-gap materials on conducting substrates. Many nominally transparent, wide band-gap materials can be processed with femtosecond lasers. The short duration of these pulses allows extensive electronic excitation on ultrafast time scales. We wish to understand clear differences in laser-materials interactions of pure insulators (e.g. alkali halides and metal oxides) and hybrid materials constructed from thin insulator films on metals. We will also explore plasmonic metal nanostructures and hybrid insulator covered nanostructures to determine their plasmonic field enhancement and photoelectron emission properties. Field enhancement measurements will conducted using photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) and correlated with surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) experiments.

Project Details

Start Date
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Principal Investigator

Wayne Hess
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Yu Gong
College of Charleston

Team Members

Patrick El-Khoury
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Alan Joly
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Kong L, AG Joly, T Droubay, Y Gong, and WP Hess. 2014. "Enhanced Quantum Efficiency From Hybrid Cesium Halide/Copper Photocathode." Applied Physics Letters 104(17):Article No. 171106. doi:10.1063/1.4874339