Kinetics Study on the Pyrolysis and Oxidation of Energetic Materials by Multireference Second-Order Perturbation Theory and Multireference Coupled-Cluster Theory
EMSL Project ID
Ignition is undoubtedly one of the most critical events governing the satisfactory performance of many combustion devices including rocket engines that launch national security payloads by the three military services. Consequently, the associated propellant ignition chemistry and inherent thermo-physical processes need to be fundamentally understood for the development of reliable ignition devices. Furthermore, handling of these new propellant fuels is also expected to have a much smaller logistical footprint due to the fact that they are being designed to be environmentally benign. However, practical realization of these fuels in propulsion systems will only come after attaining a satisfactory understanding of how to optimize their combustion characteristics in relevant operating environments. Since ignition of the energetic fuel generates highly reactive intermediates which are often difficult to probe experimentally, an application of ab initio chemical kinetics theory is therefore essential for understanding the complex ignition chemistry. We will model these processes with the state-of-the-art methodologies implemented in NWChem package including single- and multi-reference Coupled Cluster codes.
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