Use of EMSL Mossbauer Spectroscopy Facility to support National Security Division's (NSD) Actinide Mossbauer Spectroscopy project
EMSL Project ID
The purpose of this study is to develop actinide Mossbauer spectroscopy facility at PNNL. The project is part of NSD's "Ultra-Sensitive Nuclear Measurements" initiative, FYI13 LDRD. At present, the LDRD is in second year of 3-year cycle. The near term goal of the project is to have a functioning 237Np Mossbauer spectrometer facility in NSD. To develop the technique, a thorough knowledge of various elements of Mossbauer spectroscopy instrumentation is essential (types of sources, source fabrication/matrix, types of detectors, source-sample-detector configurations, etc). EMSL 57Fe-Mossbauer spectroscopy laboratory, which is a fully functional laboratory with commercial equipment, hence, will be used as a leverage to test various parts of standard spectroscopy units with non-radioactive materials (Fe-containing) to help understand modifications needed in NSD equipment (or procure custom-designed parts) under development to detect minute amounts of radioactive material in samples.
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Related Publications
Abrecht DG, JM Schwantes, RK Kukkadapu, BS McDonald, GC Eiden, and LE Sweet. 2015. "Real-Time Noise Reduction for Mossbauer Spectroscopy through Online Implementation of a Modified Kalman Filter." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 773:66-71. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2014.10.053