Probing Particle Mediated Growth: Towards a Predictive Understanding of Self-Assembly for Energy Applications
EMSL Project ID
This Science Theme proposal aims at developing a fundamental understanding of forces between nanoparticles in aqueous solution that underpin self-assembly of materials by oriented aggregation. This mechanism of assembly is a poorly understood but unique pathway to new materials design through the prospect of gaining control of preferred particle attachment processes. EMSL offers a key suite of instrumentation essential to the success of this research, including exceptional capabilities in thin film materials synthesis, nanofabrication, scanning probe microscopy, and non-linear optical spectroscopies. Specifically, we propose to use EMSL to develop first-of-a-kind oriented single crystal single force probes and substrates for face-to-face force measurements in situ under assembly conditions. We will partner this with second-harmonic generation measurements of nanoparticle-solution interfaces during assembly from bulk solution for the same oxide materials. These groundbreaking measurements will lay a foundation for advanced theory and simulation development of multi-scale oriented aggregation assembly processes, an activity presently underway separately under PNNL's Materials Synthesis and Simulation Across Scales Initiative (MS3). High-impact technical publications are the target deliverable. Because of broad and timely relevance to nanomaterials assembly, it is anticipated that this Science Theme activity will yield several articles in top journals.
Project Details
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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