Tuning the electronic and optical properties of complex oxide epitaxial films and superlattices for efficient visible light harvesting
EMSL Project ID
We propose an aggressive program of epitaxial film synthesis, detailed and definitive materials characterization, optical and electronic properties measurements, and carefully coordinated ab initio simulations aimed at developing new concepts and oxide materials for efficient visible solar light harvesting. Our end goal is to prepare complex oxide multilayers that would be useful for advanced solar photochemical and photovoltaic appications. We propose to test the hypothesis that the photophysical and photochemical properties of complex oxides can be tailored for efficient visible light harvesting by controlling the crystallographic positions of the cations. We will prepare three families of oxides as compositionally and structurally well-defined single-crystal epitaxial films: (i) perovskites of the form ABO3, where A is a mix of Sr and La and B is a mix of Cr and Fe, (ii) corundums of the form M2O3, where M is a mix of Fe and Cr, and, (iii) the inverse spinel CrFe2O4. We seek to answer three fundamental questions: (i) How are carrier lifetimes altered by local bonding arrangements imposed by either different crystal structures, superlattice formation or vacancy ordering? (ii) How is photoactivity affected by manipulating deposition conditions so that a reducible cation (such as Fe) is present in multiple charge states within the same lattice? (iii) Does the strain resulting from imperfect lattice matching with the substrate allow the optical properties of the film to be tuned? By strategically combining theory and experiment on structurally and compositionally well-defined materials, we will be able to address these fundamental questions at a deep level.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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