Imaging and Monitoring the Initial Stages of Biofilm Formation
EMSL Project ID
As outlined below, the goal of this study to apply an integrated, multi-faceted approach to the analysis of the initial molecular and cellular processes involved with cell adhesion, colonization, and biofilm formation so as to gain near-nanometer scale resolution of surfaces, biomolecules, and cells exactly as they come together in situ. Specific objectives are to establish PNNL thought leadership and capabilities for techniques that: 1. Improve understanding of the sequential and spatial deposition of biomolecules onto fresh surfaces.
2. Image and monitor the impact that surface chemistry, nanostructure, and microstructure have upon formation of the biofilm and cell adhesion.
3. Identify how the composition and distribution of cellular adhesion, colony formation, and ultimately outgrowth and formation of a biofilm.
4. Establish an interdisciplinary, multiscale mechanistic understanding of biofilm formation.
5. Develop the capability to construct non-toxic multifunctional materials that retard, prevent, or promote biofouling and biofilm formation.
Throughout the course of this project, the team will proroduce high-impact publications in the field of biofouling and the nano-biointerface that will demonostrate PNNL leadership and capabilities in biofilm formation and bifouling. In addition to publications, the new insights may lead to intellectual property, which will be protected as warranted.
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Related Publications
Larimer CJ, JD Suter, GT Bonheyo, and RS Addleman. 2016. " IN SITU NON-DESTRUCTIVE MEASUREMENT OF BIOFILM THICKNESS AND TOPOLOGY IN AN INTERFEROMETRIC OPTICAL MICROSCOPE." Journal of Biophotonics 9(6):656-666. doi:10. 1002/jbio. 201500212