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Raman, Photoemission Electron Microscopy and Laser Desorption of Plasmonic Metal Nanostructures

and Hybrid Metal - Insulator Photoemitters

EMSL Project ID


The goal of this proposal is to measure structurally-dependent electronic bulk and surface dynamics of electrons, holes, and excitons, on different but well-characterized hybrid materials, using complimentary techniques. PEEM is capable of femtosecond time resolution, and uses highly versatile photoemission detection, but has limited spatial resolution (>10 nm). Laser desorption probes mechanistic details of excited state surface dynamics by probing kinetic energies of emitted atoms. Together, these interface specific and time- and spatially-resolved techniques provide a revealing window into the key dynamical factors of laser materials interactions. Our experimental measurements will focus on excited state dynamics on various hybrid metal-insulator structures and plasmonic metal nanostructures. To achieve femtosecond time resolution and nanometer spatial resolution, we will use time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy (TR-PEEM) and tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Furthermore, since surface defects have great impact on the chemical and material properties, it is revealing to study surfaces with different defect densities. Thin film samples with controllable surface and bulk defect densities will be produced using standard preparation techniques such as laser or particle activation.

Project Details

Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Wayne Hess
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Yu Gong
College of Charleston

Patrick El-Khoury
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Alan Joly
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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