EDRN Biomarker Reference and Resource Center with the Department of Energy
EMSL Project ID
The purpose of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) Biomarker Reference and Resource Center (BRRC) is to develop a multiplex quantitative MS-based method, based on LC-SRM-MS for simultaneous detection of ~50 prostate cancer biomarkers in tissue and body fluids; to conduct analytical and clinical validation studies, in collaboration with EDRN investigators; to estimate the utility of the developed assay(s) for early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer; and to develop identical multiplex quantitative detection of biomarkers in additional cancers, pancreas and breast.
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Wang H, CE Barbieri, J He, Y Gao, T Shi, C Wu, AA Schepmoes, TL Fillmore, SS Chae, D Huang, JM Mosquera, WJ Qian, RD Smith, S Srivastava, J Kagan, DG Camp, II, KD Rodland, M Rubin, and T Liu. 2017. "Quantification of Mutant SPOP Proteins in Prostate Cancer Using Mass Spectrometry-Based Targeted Proteomics." Journal of Translational Medicine 15:Article No. 175. doi:10.1186/s12967-017-1276-7